Bell Aircraft since 1935
Bell Aircraft since 1935
Not in stock anymore !
Publisher: Putnam, ISBN 0 8517 7851 8
Writer : Pelletier, A.J. (Produced 1992)
Pages : 255
b/w pict : 420 illustrations: 40
Format : A4, Hardback
Subject : Helicopters
Description in Dutch/Omschrijving : Putnam serie. Alle toestellen van Bell Aircraft, beroemd om hun P-39 Airacobra en X-1, en sinds de veertiger jaren om hun helicopters, zoals de onsterfelijke Bell 47 en UH-1 Huey.
Description : This text looks at the history of the aircraft manufacturers Bell, whose family of helicopters have been produced in their thousands for miltary and civil operations worldwide. It also deals with the more unorthadox aircraft built before and during WWII
Large package/Belstuk
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