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Habsburg Wings 1915, Austro-Hungarian Aviation in the 1915 Campaig |
Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI: Volume 1: A Types to C.III (GWA 44) |
Halberstadt Aircraft of WWI: Volume 2: CL.IV-CLS and Fighters |
Half Century, Baby! Volume II, Tales from the F-14 Tomcat Mainten. |
Halifax Down!, On the Run from the Gestapo 1944 |
Halton Boys, True Tales from Pilots and Ground Crew |
Hamish, Pathfinder Extraordinaire |
Hammers: Israel's Long-Range Heavy Bomber Arm; the Story of 69 Sqn |
Handbuch Flugzeugklassiker, Von Aero 45 bis Zlin Z-43 |
Handley Page Hastings. The RAFs Transport Workhorse |
Handley Page Victor |
Handley Page, a History |
Hanna Reitsch, Vliegende 'superster' van Nazi-Duitsland |
Hanover Aircraft of WWI, A Centennial Perspective (GWA46) |
Hans-Joachim Marseille, an Illustrated Tribute to the Luftwaffe's |
Hansa-Brandenburg Volume 1 - Landplanes (Great War Aviation #17) |
Hansa-Brandenburg Volume 2 - Biplanes Seaplanes (Great War Aviatio |
Hansa-Brandenburg Volume 3 - Monoplane Seaplanes (Great War Aviati |
Happy Warrior; James Thomas Byford McCudden, VC |
Harrier 809, Britains Legendary Jump Jet and the Untold Story |
Harrier Boys, True Tales of the Legendary Jump Jet |
Harrier Boys: Volume 1, Cold War Through the Falklands (sbk) |
Harrier Boys: Volume 1, Cold War Through the Falklands, 1969-1990 |
Harrier Boys: Volume 2, |
Harrier: The Worlds First V/STOL Jet Combat Aircraft |
Harriet Quimby, Flying Fair Lady |
Hastings, Including a brief History of the Hermes |
Hat in the Ring Gang, the Combat History of the 94 AS |
Havilland Comet 70th |
Hawker Hunter (Vliegend in Nederland 4) |
Hawker Hunter: A Classic British Jet Fighter |
Hawker Hurricane Survivors |
Hawker Hurricane, Defender of the Skies |
Hawker's Early Jets |
Hawker's Secret Cold War Airfield, Dunsfold |
Hawker, the Great British Business Jet, Vol.1 and 2 |
Hawkers Secret Projects |
Hawkeye, Enthralling Autobiography of the Top-Scoring Israel Ace |
Hawks Rising - the History of No.25 Squadron RAF |
He.177 Greif, Design, Production, Operations |
Heathrow Airport The Post-War Years |
Heersers van het Luchtruim |
Heinkel 219 UHU Historie Technische Daten Fakten |
Heinkel He 111: An Illustrated History |
Heinkel He 219 |
Heinkel He.162 |
Heinkel He.219, an Illustrated History of Germany's Premier |
Helicopter Boys, True Tales from Operators of Military and Civilia |
Helicopter Boys, True Tales from Operators of Military and Civilia |
Helicopter Gunships at War |
Helicopter Gunships, Deadly Combat Weapon Systems |
Helicopter Pilot's handbook of Mountain Flying and Adv.techn |
Helicopter Pilot's Manual Vol.1 Basic Flying and Advanced t. |
Helicopteres de Combat |
Helicopters and North Sea Oil |
Helicopters at work |
Helikopter im Einsatz, zivil und militarisch weltweit |
Hell on Earth, Dramatic First Hand Experiences of BC at War |
Helmut Wick, An Illustrated Biography of the Luftwaffe Ace |
Helping Stop Hitler's Luftwaffe |
Herinneringen aan een Bevlogen Tijd |
Herinneringen van een Jachtvlieger deel 1 & 2 |
Herky!, the Memoires of a Checkertail Ace |
Heroes All |
Heroes we needed: The B-29ers Who Ended World War II |
Heute Starten, Gestern Landen - Abenteuerliche Fliegergesch. |
High and Lows of Flying |
High Desert Deployment. Navy Color on Display at NAS Fallon |
High Hulls: Flying Boats of the 1930s and 1940s |
High Noon over Haseluenne, the 100th Bombardement over Berlin |
High-Flying Women |
Historic Airports, Proceedings |
Historic Aviation Yearbook 2022-2023 |
Historiek van de 15de Wing |
History of Airships, a |
History of Aviation in Alderney, A |
History of Dyess Air Force Base: 1941 to the Present |
History of Military Encounters with UFOs |
History of No.10 Squadron Royal Naval Air Service in WWI |
History of No.6 Squadron Royal Naval Air Service in WWI |
History of the American Space Shuttle |
History of the Glider Pilot Regiment |
History of the Great Patriotic War Soviet Union Air Aces 1941-1945 |
History of the Liberty Engine |
History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945 Volume 1 |
History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945 Volume 2 |
History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945 Volume 3 |
History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945 Volume 4 |
History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940-1945 Volume 5 |
History of the Royal Air Force at Redhill Aerodrome 1937-1954 |
Hitler's Air Bridges: The Luftwaffe's Supply Operations of the 2WW |
Hitler's Fall Guys |
Hitler's Miracle Weapons volume 1; |
Hitler's Miracle Weapons Volume 2 |
Hitler's Terror from the Sky |
Hitler's V Weapons, the Terror Campaign |
Hitler's V-Weapons |
Hoe Komt Wie Vliegt ooit tot Bedaren |
Hoe Veilig is Vliegen |
Hohe Kunst des Ballon-Fahrens |
Hoheitszeichen - Militarische Flugzeugkennungen Weltweit |
Holding the Line, the Naval Air Campaign in Korea (sbk) |
Holland Drop Zone |
Holle im Pazifik Luftangriffe Nachtjger Operation Stalemate II |
Holt Hartmann vom Himmel |
Holt Hartmann vom Himmel |
Home is the Halifax; An Extraordinary account of a Classic WWII |
Hong Kong High |
Hoofdkwartier Militaire Luchtvaart - Overzicht 1947 (5 pc) |
Hoofdkwartier Militaire Luchtvaart - Overzicht 1947 (5 pc) |
Hoofdkwartier Militaire Luchtvaart - Overzicht december 1946 |
Horizons |
Hornchurch Offensive (sbk) |
Horten Brothers and their All-Wing Aircraft |
Horten Ho 229, der Legendare Nurflugel |
Horten Ho 229: The Horten All-Wing Jet Fighter,Spirit of Thuringia |
Horten Ho 9 / Ho 229: Retrospective |
Horten Ho 9 / Ho 229: Technical History |
Hotol, Britains Spaceplane |
How Carriers Fought, Carrier Operations in WWII |
How the RAF and USAAF Beat the Luftwaffe |
How to Build an Aircraft Carrier |
How to Buy a Single-Engined Airplane |
How to Choose R/c Ready-to-fly Airplane Kits |
How to Intelligently Inspect and Buy a Cessna 150/152 |
Hubschrauber der US Navy, Marines und Coast Guard |
Hubschrauber Typenbuch |
Hubschrauber, Transporter und Schulflugzeuge der NVA |
Hubschrauberflug am Limit, mit Fliegerlegende Rainer Wilke |
Human Factors for General Aviation |
Hump Drivers; An American Pilots Account of Flying over the Himala |
Hundert Jahre Deutsche Luftfahrt |
Hundreds of Professions in Commercial Aviation |
Hunter Boys |
Hunter Boys (softback) |
Hunter One: the Jet Heritage Story |
Hunting Tito; History of Nachtschlachtgruppe 7 in World War II |
Hurricane |
Hurricane & Spitfire Pilots at War |
Hurricane Pocket Manual |
Hurricane R4118 Revisited |
Hurricane Salute (Flypast special) |
Hurricane, Hawker's Fighting Legend |
Hurricanes over Singapore |
Hurricanes versus Zero: Air Battles over Singapore, Sumatra & Java |
Hush-Kit Book of Warplanes |