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L'Armee de l'Air en Afrique du Nord tome 1, 1940-1967 |
L'Armee de l'air en Afrique du Nord tome 2, 1940-1967 |
L'Aviation allemande 1919-1939 |
L'Aviation Maritime Francaise pendant la Grande Guerre |
L'escadron Lorraine. De la guerre froide au combat de haute intens |
L'Extraordinaire pope du lieutenant Marchal, Pilote de Missions |
Lafayette Escadrille |
Lafayette Flying Corps, the |
Lake Boga at War (revised) |
Laker, the Glory Years of Sir Freddie Laker |
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Lancaster 75 |
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Lancaster Down! Extraordinary Tale of Seven Young Bomber Aircrew |
Lancaster, the Landmark Raids |
Last Blitz; Operation Steinbock |
Last Days of the Concorde, The Crash of Flight 4590 |
Last Mission of Lady Jane II : The Life and Death of an 8th Air Fo |
Last War of the Superfortress, MiG-15 versus B-29 over Korea |
Last Year of the Luftwaffe, May 1944 to May 1945 |
Last Year of the Luftwaffe, May 1944 to May 1945 |
Last Year of the Luftwaffe, May 1944 to May 1945 |
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Latin American Mirages |
Lautlose Flug |
Leatherneck Bombers, Marine Corps B-25/PBJ Mitchell Squadron |
Legendare Concorde/ The Legendary Concorde |
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Legendary Douglas DC-3, A Pictorial Tribute |
Legendary Norden Bombsight |
Legenden der Lufte, Flugzeugen, Menschen und Ikonen |
Legion Condor 1936-1939 |
Legion Condor Band 1 |
Legion Condor Band 2 |
Legion Condor Band 3, Berichte Dokumente Fotos Fakten |
Legion Condor Band 4, Berichte Dokumente Fotos Fakten |
Legion Condor Band 5, Berichte Dokumente Fotos Fakten |
Legion Condor Band 6, Berichte Dokumente Fotos Fakten |
Legion Condor Band 7, Berichte Dokumente Fotos Fakten |
Legion of the Lancasters |
Lego-Flugzeuge bauen! |
Leidraad voor Motorvliegers |
Leisure Airlines of Europe |
Lend-Lease and Soviet Aviation in the Second World War (hbk) |
Lend-Lease and Soviet Aviation in the Second World War (sbk) |
Lenny, a Debden Eagle |
Leon de Brouckere, Belgisch Luchtvaartpionier |
Les Avions De La Campagne De France : Breguet 693 (Reprint) |
Les Chausseurs Allemand, part 1 |
Les Chausseurs Allemand, part 2 |
Lest we Forget, De berging van de Vickers Wellington uit het IJsse |
Letov S-328, Vol.1 from S-28 to S-528 |
Letters from the Few |
Letzte Aufgebot der deutschen Luftwaffe |
Letzte Flug |
Liberators over Norwich, the 458th Bomb Group (H), 8th USAAF |
Lichter dan Lucht, Los van de Aarde |
Lie in the Dark and Listen (sbk) |
Life's too Short to cry |
Light Airplane and Glider Static and Dynamic Stability |
Light Airplane Design |
Lighter than Air, an Illustrated History of the Airship |
Lightning (Volume 2) (Firestreak 3) |
Lightning (Volume 3) The Manual (Firestreak 7) |
Lightning 1954 - 2014 (Volume 1) (Firestreak 1) |
Lightning Boys |
Lightning Boys (softback) |
Lightning Boys II, True Tales from Pilots and Engineers (hbk) |
Lightning Boys II, True Tales from Pilots and Engineers (sbk) |
Lightning Boys, True Tales |
Lightning Force, RAF Units 1960 - 1988 |
Lightning from the Cockpit, Flying the Supersonic Legend (sbk) |
Lightning Strikes: The Lockheed P-38 |
Lightning Up, Career of Air Vice Marshal Alan White CB AFC FRAeS |
Lightning, the 101st in the Gulf War |
Lindberg, a Photographic Biography of the Lone Eagle |
Lindbergh's Legacy |
Loach! The story of the H-6/Model 500 Helicopter |
Lockheed Blackbird, Beyond the Secret Missions - The Missing Chapt |
Lockheed C-130 Hercules and its Variants (2nd edition) |
Lockheed C-5 Galaxy |
Lockheed Constellation, a History |
Lockheed Constellation, a Record Breaking Airliner |
Lockheed F-104G in Nederland (Starfighter)(reprint) |
Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk, an Illustrated History of the Stealth F. |
Lockheed F-117 NightHawks, A Stealth Fighter Roll Call |
Lockheed F-94 Starfire - A Photo Chronicle |
Lockheed Martin C-130 Hercules, a Complete History |
Lockheed Model 9B Orion, the Swiss Revolution |
Lockheed P-80/F-80 Shooting Star |
Lockheed P2V Neptune; an Illustrated History |
Lockheed Schandaal |
Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird |
Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, Origins and Evolution |
Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird: The Illustrated History of America's Leg |
Lockheed T-33 (Vliegend in Nederland 3) |
Lockheed T-33, a Photo Chronicle |
Lockheed TriStar |
Lockheed-Martin F-16-ADF: I Viper dell'aeronautica Militare e il p |
Lockheed-Martin F-22 Raptor |
Logboek |
Logboek Aviolanda en het verdwenen Vliegveld Papendrecht deel 1 |
Logboek Aviolanda en het verdwenen Vliegveld Papendrecht deel 2 |
Logboek Aviolanda en het verdwenen Vliegveld Papendrecht deel 3 |
Logboek Aviolanda en het verdwenen Vliegveld Papendrecht deel 4 |
Logboek Aviolanda en het verdwenen Vliegveld Papendrecht deel 5 |
Logboek van Willem Raap, 'De Vrije Vliegenier' |
Londen of Berlijn, de KLM tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog, 1 |
Londen of Berlijn, de KLM tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog, 2 |
London City Airport, 30 Years serving the Capital |
Lone Wolf, Remarkable Story of Britain's Greatest Nightfighter Ace |
Long Campaign, the History of the 15th Fighter Group in WWII |
Losses of the US 8th and 9th Air Forces Vol 3; April - June 1944 |
Losses of the US 8th and 9th Air Forces Vol 5; ETO Oct - Dec 1944 |
Losses of the US 8th and 9th Air Forces Vol 6; Jan 45 - Mar 45 |
Losses of the US 8th and 9th Air Forces Vol 7; |
Lost Airline Colours of Asia |
Lost Airline Colours of Europe Timelines |
Lost Graves of Peenemunde |
Love is in the Air |
Low Attack |
Low Cost Carriers |
Lt. Arthur Wilson Starratt, Bommenrichter van de B-17 No Balls at |
Luchtalarm, de Luchtstrijd boven Nederland |
Luchtazen van de Keizer |
Luchtcowboy |
Luchtgevaar, Luchtaanvallen op Nederland 1940-1945 |
Luchthelden van de Eerste Wereldoorlog |
Luchtmacht Boek, het |
Luchtmeisjes |
Luchtoorlog 1914-1918 |
Luchtoorlog boven Ede |
Luchtoorlog boven Nederland (werktitel) |
Luchtoorlog boven Zeeland - De Zeeoorlog in Zeeland |
Luchtoorlog boven Zeeland deel 1 - Noord-Beveland (herziene druk) |
Luchtoorlog boven Zeeland deel 1 - Noord-Beveland |
Luchtoorlog boven Zeeland deel 2a - 1939-1942 Schouwen-Duiveland |
Luchtoorlog boven Zeeland deel 2b - 1943-1945 Schouwen-Duiveland |
Luchtoorlog boven Zeeland deel 3a - Zeeuws Vlaanderen 1940-1942 |
Luchtoorlog boven Zeeland deel 3b - Zeeuws Vlaanderen 1942-1945 |
Luchtoorlog boven Zeeland deel 4a |
Luchtoorlog boven Zeeland deel 4b |
Luchtoorlog boven Zeeland deel 5 - Tholen en Sint-Philipsland |
Luchtoorlog boven Zeeland deel 6A - Walcheren 1939 -september 1940 |
Luchtoorlog boven Zeeland deel 6B - Walcheren oktober 1940-sep 41 |
Luchtoorlog boven Zeeland deel 6C - Walcheren okt 1941 - okt 1942 |
Luchtoorlog boven Zeeland deel 6D - Walcheren |
Luchtoorlog boven Zeeland deel 7 - De Kustwateren |
Luchtoorlog van Mei 1940 |
Luchtschappen |
Luchtschepen |
Luchtspiegelingen |
Luchtstrijdkrachten Belgie, Vliegtuig- en Registratieoverz. |
Luchtvaart 2024 |
Luchtvaart 2025 |
Luchtvaart en Luchtpost Encyclopedie deel 1 t/m 1935 |
Luchtvaart Fysiologie en Psychologie (3e druk) |
Luchtvaart in Vogelvlucht, de spannende jaren van de luchtvaart |
Luchtvaart Meteorologie en Navigatie (4e druk) |
Luchtvaart Wetgeving en Operationele Procedures (10e druk) |
Luchtvaart Wetgeving en Operationele Procedures (8e druk) |
Luchtvaartkunst / Aviation Art |
Luchtvaartvoorschriften voor Studie en Beroep |
Luck is my Shadow; Story of a Fighter and Bomber Pilot during CW |
Luftangriff auf Koln 15. Oktober 1944 |
Luftaufklarung Reconnaissance (RAF Laarbruch) |
Luftbetankung, Weltweit |
Luftbrucke Berlin |
Luftfahrt im Dritten Reich, Ziviler Flugverkehr und Luftwaffe |
Luftfahrt Katastrophen |
Luftfahrt Portrats Richthofen Heinkel Messerschmitt Boelcke Molder |
Luftfahrt-Wissen - Von den Grundlagen bis zur Pilotenlizenz |
Lufthansa im Krieg - Die Jahre 1939-1945, Volume 2 |
Lufthansa, Ein Jahrhundert Innovation |
Luftkrieg 1914-1918 - Geschichte im Detail |
Luftkrieg uber Afrika, teil 1 |
Luftkrieg uber Deutschland |
Luftkrieg uber Front und Heimat 1914/18 |
Luftrettung |
Luftschlacht uber Deutschland - Angriff und Verteidigung |
Luftschlacht um England - Unternehmen Adler: |
Luftschlacht um England Luftwaffe 1940 2.Weltkrieg Luftkampftaktik |
Luftschlachten des Zweiten Weltkriegs |
Luftverteidigung der DDR |
Luftwaffe '45, Letzte Fluge und Projekte |
Luftwaffe Aces |
Luftwaffe Aces - Biographies and Victory Claims Volume 1; A - F |
Luftwaffe Aces - Biographies and Victory Claims Volume 2; G - L |
Luftwaffe Aces - Biographies and Victory Claims Volume 3; M - R |
Luftwaffe Aces - Biographies and Victory Claims Volume 4; S - Z |
Luftwaffe Aces in the Battle of Britain (sbk) |
Luftwaffe Aerial Torpedo Aircraft and Operations |
Luftwaffe at War |
Luftwaffe at War - Gathering Storm 1933-1939 Vol. I |
Luftwaffe Bomber Pilot Remembers;World War II from the Cockp |
Luftwaffe Bombers German WW2 Designs (2024) |
Luftwaffe Bombers of World War Two |
Luftwaffe Codes, Markings & Units 1939-45 |
Luftwaffe Combat Aircraft |
Luftwaffe Combat Reports |
Luftwaffe Eagle, From the Me.109 to the Me.262 (Crecy) |
Luftwaffe Eagle; A WW2 German Airman's Story (Erich Sommer) |
Luftwaffe Eagles |
Luftwaffe Eagles |
Luftwaffe Efficiency & Promotion Reports Vol. I |
Luftwaffe Efficiency & Promotion Reports Vol. II |
Luftwaffe Emblems 1939-45 |
Luftwaffe Face au Debarquement |
Luftwaffe Fighter Ace, From the Eastern Front to the Defense |
Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft in Profile |
Luftwaffe Fighter Pilot; Defending the Reich against the RAF and.. |
Luftwaffe Fighter-Bombers over Britain |
Luftwaffe fighters of World War Two |
Luftwaffe Fighters, German WW2 Designs (reprint) |
Luftwaffe Fighters: 1, Combat on all Fronts |
Luftwaffe Fighters: 2, Combat on all Fronts |
Luftwaffe from North Cape to Tobruk 1939-1945 |
Luftwaffe Gravity Knife |
Luftwaffe Guide Book to Basic Survival at Sea |
Luftwaffe im, 21. Jahrhundert |
Luftwaffe in the North African Campaign 1941-43 |
Luftwaffe over America |
Luftwaffe over Britain |
Luftwaffe over Germany, Defense of the Reich (Frontline) |
Luftwaffe Pilots In World War II, The Veterans' Stories Volume 1 |
Luftwaffe Rudder Markings 1936-1945 |
Luftwaffe Special Weapons 1942-45 |
Luftwaffe Squadrons 1939-45. Identification Guide The Essential Ai |
Luftwaffe versus RAF, Equipment of the Air War, 1939-45 |
Luftwaffe versus RAF, Flying Clothing o/the Air War, 1939-45 |
Luftwaffe Victory Markings 1939-45 |
Luftwaffe X-Planes |
Luftwaffe's Secret WWII Missions |
Luftwaffe, Air Organizations of the Third Reich |
Luftwaffe, Secret Bombers of the Third Reich |
Luftwaffe, Secret Designs of the Third Reich |
Luftwaffe, the Illustrated History of the German Air Force |
Luftwaffe, the Illustrated History of the German Air Force |
Luftwaffe: a Study in Air Power 1933-45 |
Luftwaffe: from Training School to the Front |
Luftwaffe: Secret Jets of the Third Reich |
Luftwaffenubungsplatz Ahrbruck |
Lust am Fliegen, Piloten und ihr Weg ins Cockpit |
Luxury Air |
LVG Aircraft of WWI Volume 1: B-Types & C.I (GWA 34) |
LVG Aircraft of WWI Volume 2: C.II - C.V (GWA 35) |
LVG Aircraft of WWI Volume 3: C.VI - C.XI & Fighters (GWA 36) |