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Military book series NEW |
P-47 Razorbacks of 8th AF Colours |
P-47 Thunderbolt |
P-51 Mustang |
P-51 Mustang - A Photo Chronicle |
P-51 Mustang in Original Factory Photos |
P-51 Mustang Warbirds |
P-51B Mustang, North American's Bastard Stepchild that saved 8AF |
PACAF and Alaskan Air Command in the 1980s |
Pacific Adversaries Volume 1, Imperial Army Air Force vs the Allie |
Pacific Adversaries Volume 2, Imperial Japanese Navy vs The Allies |
Pacific Adversaries Volume 3, Imperial Japanese Navy vs the Allies |
Pacific Adversaries Volume 4, Imperial Japanese Navy vs the Allies |
Pacific Carrier War |
Pacific Glory |
Pacific Hell |
Pacific War, the Battle of Midway |
Paddy Finucane: Fighter Ace |
Painted Ladies - Modern Military Aircraft Nose Art |
Painting Aviations Legends, te Art of Mike Machat |
Pair of Aces and a Trey, A |
Pan Africa, Across the Sahara in 1941 with Pan Am |
Pan Am Clipper, the |
Pan American in Norway 1935-1991 |
Panavia Tornado |
Panavia Tornado F.3 21st Century Air Defence |
Panavia Tornado: I Miei 40 Anni Nell'Aeronautica Militare |
Pander D, Een klein vliegtuig van Formaat |
Pante 21, Una Vita in Volo dagli F-51 Mustang agli |
Parachute Regiment, the |
Parachuting - Skydiver's Handbook (5th revised edition) |
Parachuting for Sport (2nd edition) |
Paramotoring, from the Ground Up - a comprehensive Guide |
Paras |
Paras, An Illustrated History of Britain's Airborne Forces |
Park, Biography of Air Chief Marshall Sir Keith Park |
Passenger Aircraft and their Interiors 1910-2006 |
Passion for Flying, 8000 hours of RAF Flying |
Pathfinder Companion |
Pathfinder Force |
Pathfinder's War, A |
Pathfinders: The Definitive Story |
Pathfinders: The Elite RAF Force that Turned the Tide of WWII |
Patrolling the Cold War Skies: Reheat Sunset |
Patrouille Suisse Backstage |
Patrouilles Acrobatiques |
Patrouilles Acrobatiques Mondiales - World Aerobatic Teams |
Patton's Eyes in the Sky |
Paul Biber and the Seeflugzeug-Versuchs-Kommando Warnemnde 1916-18 |
Paul Biber's Experiences at Szentandras Airship Base Near Timisoar |
PC-7 TEAM Backstage: Die hohe Kunst der Formationsfliegerei |
Peace was their Profession - SAC, a Tribute |
Pearl Harbor (Key) |
Pearl Harbor (Mortons) |
Pechvogels, Straaljagers zonder Toekomst (deel 1) |
Pedro, the life and death of Fighter Ace Osgood Villiers Hanbury |
Pegasus kiest het luchtruim, Luchtlandingsoperaties Colossus, Biti |
Per Ardua; Training an RAF Phantom Crew |
Percival Aircraft, Edgar Percival the Man & his Legacy |
Perfect Fliegen, Handbuch fur den Privatpiloten |
Perfect Pits, Making the most of your Scale Aircraft Cockpits |
Peruvian Aviation Corps Operations during the Putumayo Campaign |
Pfalz Aircraft of WWI (Great War Aviation) |
Phantom Boys Volume 2 |
Phantom Boys, True Tales from UK Operators of the F-4 (hbk) |
Phantom Boys, True Tales from UK Operators of the F-4 (sbk) |
Phantom from the Cockpit, Flying the Legend |
Phantom in Combat |
Phantom in Focus: A Navigators Eye on Britains Cold War Warrior |
Phantom in the Cold War RAF Wildenrath 1977 - 1992 |
Phoenix uit de As, Een |
Phoenix, a complete History of the Luftwaffe 1918-1945, vol. 1 |
Phoenix, a complete History of the Luftwaffe 1918-1945, vol. 2 |
Photo History Of The 486th Bombardment Group (H) |
Photoalbum; Gli Harrier della Marina Militare |
Pictorial History of BOAC and Associated Airlines |
Pictorial History of the B-2A Spirit Stealth Bomber |
Pictorial Story of the 106 Mirage M5 B of the Belgian Air Force |
Pictorial Tribute to the Men and Aircraft of the 447 BG (H) 43-45 |
Pigs and Wings and Other Things |
Piloot met de Vijf Strepen |
Pilot's Flying Log Book No.2 W/Cmdr G.P. Gibson D.F.C. |
Pilot's Guide |
Pilot, Diplomat and Garage Rat |
Piloten Handbuch (2011) |
Pilotes Francais du 6 Juin 1944 |
Piloting and Dead Reckoning (4td edition) |
Pilots - Romance of the Air |
Pilots don't Just Fall from Heaven |
Pilots of the Battle of Britain |
Pilots Reference Guide |
Pineapple Air Force - Pearl Harbor to Tokyo |
Pioneer Mustang Group, the 354th Fighter Group in World War II |
Pioneering Spirit, The Story of Air France and Predecessors |
Piper Aircraft, Freedom of Flight (Plus supplement) |
Piper Cub |
Piu' Cento; Gli aeroplani civili della Siai Marchetti |
Piu' Cento; I Progetti Moderni della Siai Marchetti |
Piu' Cento; SIAI Marchetti Storie di Uomini Aeroplani |
PK- Het Luchtvaartuig register van Nederlands-Indie tot en met '42 |
PLA SAM Forces |
Planes of the Presidents; Illustrated history of Air Force 1 |
Plastic Modelbouw, Iets voor Jou ?! |
Platypus Papers |
Please wait to be seated |
Ploesti Raid, through the Lens |
Point of No Return |
Poles in defence of Britain |
Poles in the Batle of Britain |
Polish Air Force at War Vol.2 |
Portaerei Italiane, Le |
Portes Disparus |
Positive Flying |
Possum, Clover & Haides; the 475th Fighter Group in WWII |
Postcard History of Japanese Aviation 1910-1945, a |
Power to Fly, the |
Prelude to War |
Preserved Aircraft of the World: Europe |
Preserved Aircraft of the World: Rest of the World |
Preserved Aircraft of the World: US and Canada |
Prestwick Airport & Scottish Aviation |
Pride of Eagles; a History of the Rhodesian Air Force |
Prins Bernhard 50 jaar vlieger 'Vliegerleven in vogelvlucht' |
Professional Pilot's Manual |
Project Apollo: The Early Years, 1961-1967 |
Project Apollo: The Moon Landings, 1968-1972 |
Project Gemini |
Project Mercury |
Project Seven Alpha, American Airlines in Burma 1942 |
Projekt 'Gemini' |
Projekt Apollo - Die fruhen Jahre |
Projekt Apollo - Die Mondlandungen |
Projekt Mercury |
Projekt Sputnik - Der Aufbruch ins All |
Propeller Planes 1/144 Vol. 1 |
Propeller Twilight, Last Generation of British Piston Engine Fight |
Propliner 2018 Annual |
Propliner 2019 Annual |
Propliner 2021 Annual |
Propliner 2024 Annual |
Propliners of the World Part 1 |
Propliners of the World Part 2 |
Protect & Avenge; the 49th Fighter Group in World War II |
PS-Schlacht des Zweiten Weltkriegs |
Puberen in de Lucht, Belevenissen van een vliegende Pionier |
Pulp Fiction Fighters, Military Aircraft Exported to Latin America |