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R.G. Smith; the Man and his Art, an Autobiography |
R.J. Mitchell: To the Spitfire |
R101, a Pictorial History |
Race with the Wind, How Air Racing Advanced Aviation |
Radio Communicatie VFR (4e druk) |
Radio Controlled Model Aircraft |
RAF Acklington Guardian of the Northern Skies |
RAF Aircraft and Weapons |
RAF Aircraft and Weapons |
RAF Aircraft in the Cold War, 1970-1990 Air-to-Air Images |
RAF Aircraft of the Battle of Britain |
RAF Airfields of World War 2 |
RAF and USAAF Airfields airfields in the UK |
RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight in Profile 3 |
RAF Biggin Hill, the Other Side of the Bump |
RAF Bomber Command Strike Hard, Strike Sure 1936-1945 |
RAF Bomber Crewman |
RAF Centenary Celebration, Patrollers and Airlifters |
RAF Coastal Command: A Pictorial History |
RAF Cold War Jet Aircraft in Profile 2 |
RAF College, Cranwell: A Centenary Celebration |
RAF Duxford, a History in Photographs from 1917 to the Present Day |
RAF Evaders, the Complete Story of RAF Escapees and their Escape |
RAF Fighter Command Losses o/t Second World War Vol 1 |
RAF Fighter Command Victory Claims of World War Two part 1 |
RAF Fighter Command Victory Claims of World War Two part 2 |
RAF Fighter Command Victory Claims of World War Two part 3 |
RAF Handbook 1939-1945 |
RAF Hawkinge: The RAFs Wartime Frontline Airfield |
RAF Hendon, The Birthplace of Aerial Power |
RAF Hunters in Germany, Front Line defenders in the Cold War |
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RAF In Camera: 1950's |
RAF In Camera: 1960's |
RAF In Camera: 1970's |
RAF in Cold War Germany |
RAF in the Battle of France and the Battle of Britain |
RAF Kit Through the Ages |
RAF Laarbruch 1954 - 1999 (English version) |
RAF Laarbruch 1954 - 1999 (German version) |
RAF Laarbruch, RAF Police (English version) |
RAF Liberator over the Eastern Front |
RAF Salute D-Day, 70th Anniversary |
RAF Salute History and Heroism |
RAF Second World War Fighters in Profile 1 |
RAF Training Command: A Pictorial History |
RAF West Malling, RAF's First Night Fighter Airfield - WWII to th |
RAF WWII Operational and Flying Accident Casualty Files in the NA |
RAF's Armourers |
RAF's Cross-Channel Offensive, the |
RAF: Secret Jets of Cold War Britains |
Rafale au combat. Tmoignages de pilotes, navigateurs et mcaniciens |
Rafale, Le Bapteme du Fue |
Ragged Irregulars of Bassingbourn, the |
Raketen - Die Internationale Enzyklopdie |
Raketenjager Me 163 |
Range Unlimited, a History of Aerial Refuelling |
Raoul Lufbery and Marc Pourpe: From the Birth of Aviation to the L |
Raptors: All F-15 and F-16 Aerial Combat Victories |
Rare Birds: Forgotten Aircraft of the Second World War |
Rate of Climb, Thrilling Personal Reminiscences |
Raw Courage, The Extraordinary and Tragic Story of 4 RAF Brothers |
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RCAF100 |
Real Colors of WW2 Aircraft (2nd edition) |
Real Top Gun, Inside the US Navy's Fighter Weapons School |
Rear Gunner Pathfinders (Witness to War) (sbk) |
Red Air Force at War: Air Combat over the Eastern Front and Korea |
Red Air Force at War: Barbarossa and the Retreat to Moscow |
Red Air Force at War: Bomber Pilot on the Eastern Front |
Red Aircraft, We have no flightplan, Where are you Going ? Up Sir! |
Red Army Air Force in 1941 Volume 1; Camouflage, Insignia and Tact |
Red Army Air Force in 1941 Volume 2 |
Red Arrows, A great British Icon |
Red Arrows, Celebrating 50 Display Seasons |
Red Assault. Soviet Airborne Forces 1930-1941 |
Red Baron Von Richthofen (World War I Aces Series nr.1) |
Red Devils over the Yalu, Chronicle of Soviet Aerial Operations in |
Red Dragon 'Flankers | China's Prolific 'Flanker' Family |
Red Sea Caravan: the Aden Airways Story |
Red Star and Roundel: A Shared Century |
Rega Backstage - Die Erfolgsgeschichte in der der Luftrettung |
Regia Aeronautica vs Royal Air Force - The Battle of England |
Regierungsflugzeuge - So reisen Staatsoberhaupter |
Reichsadler, Dokumentation ber die Einstze Me 110 und He 162 |
Reichsadler, Dokumentation uber die Einstze mit der Me110 u He162 |
Relentless Offensive, War and Bomber Command 1939 - 1945 |
Reluctant Raiders; VPB-109 in WWII |
Remembering Revell Model Kits (expanded 3rd edition) |
Remembering the Dragon Lady |
Renegade Hero, the True story of RAF Pilot Terry Peet |
Reparti di Volo, I |
Report of Joint Fighter Conference, NAS Patuxent River, MD Oct1944 |
Republic Airlines Story 1945 - 1986 |
Republic F-84 Thunderjet, Thunderstreak & Thunderflash |
Republic's A-10 Thunderbolt II, A Pictorial History |
Rescue under Fire, the Story of Dust Off in Vietnam |
Resolute, to War with Bomber Command |
Restoration Force: Grass Roots Preservation of Civilian and Milit |
Restoring Glory, World War Two Aircraft Return to the Skies |
Restoring Museum Aircraft |
Restoring Museum Aircraft |
Retribution and Recovery |
Revell-Story, die |
Revell-Story, die (Sammler edition) |
Revolution in the Sky (Schiffer) |
Richthofen, 'der Rote Baron' |
Ridgewell's Flying Fortresses, 381st BG (H) in WW II |
Rijdeners (Gerard Frederik) (werktitel) |
Rise from the East - 247 squadron |
Rise of the Bomber: RAF-Army Planning 1919 to Munich 1938 |
Ritterkreuztrager 1939-1945 des Lehrgeschwaders 1 |
Ritterkreuztrager der Kampfflieger Band 2 |
Rivet Counter Guide 1; Corsair Cockpits F4U-1 Family |
Rivet Counter Guide 2; Painting the Fleet. Interwar Battleship and |
RNAS Culdrose 1947-2007 |
Roaring Texans, The History of Texan Closed Course Pylon Racing |
Rocket Planes, From Sound Barrier to Heat Barrier |
Rockets and Missiles of Vandenberg AFB |
Rockets and Missiles of White Sands Proving Ground 1945 - 1958 |
Rockwell B-1B, SAC's last Bomber |
Rodscher, Komik zwischen Himmel und Erde |
Rohrbach German All-Metal Aircraft Pioneer |
Roland Aircraft of WWI (Great War Aviation) |
Roll Call: Thud, a Photographic Record of the F-105 |
Rommels italienische Flieger, Regia Aeronautica i Nordafrika 40-43 |
Ronny Bar Profiles, British Two Seaters of the Great War |
Ronny Bar Profiles, German Fighters of the Great War Volume I |
Ronny Bar Profiles, German Fighters of the Great War Volume II |
Ronny Bar Profiles, Spitfire, the Merlin Variants |
Rosso Corsa, Schneider Trophy & Reparto Alta Velocita |
Round the World Flights (2rd edition) |
Royal Aerospace Establishment Bedford |
Royal Air Force Aircraft & Weapons 2017 |
Royal Air Force Aircraft & Weapons 2018 |
Royal Air Force Coltishall, Fighter Station - a Station Histrory |
Royal Air Force Flying Training & Support Units since 1912 |
Royal Air Force Laarbruch Triebstoffversorgung (2nd ed) |
Royal Air Force Squadrons |
Royal Air Force, a Centenary of Operations |
Royal Bavarian Jagdstaffel 23 |
Royal Bavarian Jagdstaffel 76 |
Royal Corps of Signals, 21 Signal Regiment (Air Formation) |
Royal Italian Air Force 1923 - 1945, Regia Aeronautica Italiana |
Royal Navy Aircraft Serials & Units 1911-1919 |
Royal Navy Instructional Airframes |
Royal Navy Wasp, An operational & Retirement History |
Royal Orchid, the History of Civil Aviation in Thailand |
Royal Prussian Jagdstaffel 30 |
Royal Vikings, the Saga of Scandinavian Airlines and Pred. (SAS) |
Ruimteschip Aarde, Jij bent Astronaut van Ruimteschip Aarde |
Ruiter op de Wolken, Een gevechtspiloot wordt MAF Zendings. |
Rule the Winds vol.1, Evolution of the British Fighter Force |
Rule the Winds vol.2, Air War on the Western Front 1914/1918 |
Rumpler Aircraft of WWI (Great War Aviation) |
Run Run Cricket Run, America's Secret War in Laos |
Russian Air Power |
Russian Air Power Defense Now |
Russian Aircraft of World War II: 1939-1945 (Technical Guides) |
Russian Airpower, Inside Russia's Air Arms |
Russian and Soviet Ground Attack Aircraft |
Russian Bombers |
Russian Military Air Fleet in World War I, Volume 1 |
Russian Military Air Fleet in World War I, Volume 2 |
Russian Tactical Aviation since 2001 |
Russische Jetliner |
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Rutland Harriers |