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HAF Y 2007/A, Hellenic Air Force Yearbook 2007/A |
HAF Y 2011/A, Hellenic Air Force Yearbook 2011/A |
Hagler Field, a History of Pensacola's Airport |
Halcones, 25 Anos |
Half a Wing, Three Engines and a Prayer, B-17s over Germany |
Half Mile up without an Engine, Essentials, Excitement of |
Halifax and Wellington |
Halifax Special |
Halifax Squadron, the Wartime Bombing operations of No.640 Squadro |
Halley's Komeet |
Hals- und Beinbruch ! - Heitere Fliegerei (1st ed, nd) |
Halve Eeuw Militaire Luchtvaart, Een (1913-1963) (dustjacket) |
Halve Eeuw Militaire Luchtvaart, Een (1913-1963) (nd) |
Halve Eeuw Ypenburg |
Hamburgs Tor zum Himmel, 100 Jahre Hamburg Airport |
Hamish, the Story of a Path Finder, Memoires of Group Captain |
Hamlyn Guide to Commerial Aircraft and Airline Markings (1994) |
Hamlyn Guide to Military Aircraft Markings (Hamlyn) |
Hammer Ace, the Manifestation of a Concept |
Hammer Heads (Grafton) |
Hammer Heads, author of Day of the Cheetah |
Hampden File (signed copy !) |
Hampden Special |
Handboek Plastic Modelbouw |
Handboek Radiobestuurd Motorvliegen |
Handboek van de KNVvL 1951 |
Handboek van de KNVvL 1952-53 |
Handboek van de KNVvL 1953-54 |
Handboek van de KNVvL 1954-55 |
Handboek van de KNVvL 1956-57 |
Handboek van de KNVvL 1960 |
Handboek van de KNVvL 1962 |
Handboek van de KNVvL 1964 |
Handboek van de KNVvL 1966 |
Handboek van de KNVvL 1968 |
Handboek van de KNVvL 1972 |
Handboek van de KNVvL 1976 |
Handboek voor Modelpiloten |
Handboek voor Zweefvlieg-Technici |
Handbook for Radio Operators |
Handbook for Space Colonists |
Handbook of Aviation Meterology |
Handbook of Fighter Aircraft |
Handbook of Glider Aerobatics |
Handbook of Great Aircraft of WWII |
Handbook of the Aircraft Industry |
Handbook of the Vickers Viscount |
Handbook of the Vickers Viscount (nd) |
Handbuch des Segelfliegens (1953) |
Handbuch des Segelfliegens (3rd ed. 1941) |
Handbuch des Segelkunstflugs |
Handbuch Deutsche Luftwaffe 1939-1945 |
Handbuch fur den Ultraleicht-Flieger, Entwicklung - Praxis - Konst |
Handleiding Cessna 150/152 |
Handleiding ter Voorbereiding op het Praktisch Examen Vleugelvlieg |
Handleiding tot het Dubbel Besturings Onderricht voor Zweefvliegin |
Handley Page Aircraft since 1907 (1976, 1st ed) |
Handley Page Aircraft since 1907 (1976, 1st edition, CAA library) |
Handley Page Aircraft since 1907 (1995/1998) |
Handley Page Hampden Crash Log |
Handley Page Herald |
Handling the Big Jets (ARB, 2rd Edition, 1968) |
Handling the Big Jets (Later Editions) |
Hang Glider Pilot - 2nd Edition |
Hang Gliding, Basic Handbook of Skysurfing (revised edition) |
Hans Jacobs, Pionierleben im Flugzeugbau Band 1 |
Hans Jacobs, Pionierleben im Flugzeugbau Band 2 |
Happy Jack's go Buggy, a Fighter Pilot's Story (Exposition) |
Happy Landings (Kop) |
Happy To Fly, An Autobiography |
Hard tegen Hard |
Hardest Day, Battle of Britain (sbk) |
Hardest Victory, RAF Bomber Command in the Second World War |
Harrier (1982) |
Harrier (2nd edition) |
Harrier (fully updated, expanded) |
Harrier Story, the (hbk) |
Harvard File |
Havik-Squadron, Roman uit de Luchtslag 1914-1918 |
Hawaiian Airlines |
Hawk comes of Age |
Hawk, British Aerospace |
Hawker Aircraft since 1920 (1961) |
Hawker Hunter (Vliegend in Nederland 4) |
Hawker Hunter, Biography of a Thoroughbred (sbk) |
Hawker Hurricane (Mason, 1962) (MacDonald Aircraft Monographs) |
Hawker Hurricane (Mason, Ashton, 1987) |
Hawker P.1127,Kestrel and Harrier |
Hawker Tempest and Sea Fury |
Hawker, A Biography of Harry Hawker |
Hawkinge 1912 - 1961, An in Depth History of the Former RAF Stat. |
Hawks Rising, the History of 25 Squadron RAF |
He.111, Vom Verkehrsflugzeug zum Bomber 1935 - 1945 |
He.111, Vom Verkehrsflugzeug zum Bomber 1935-45 (Loose leaf) |
Head in the Clouds |
Headhunters, Stories from the 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry, in 'Nam |
Headhunters, Stories from the 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry, in 'Nam |
Heart of the Storm, My Adventures as a Helicopter Rescue Pilot |
Heathrow Airport London |
Heathrow Airport, the World's busiest International Airport |
Heathrow Schedules 1973 |
Heavenly Body, the |
Heavenly Days, Recollections of a Contended Airman |
Heavy bombers of the Mighty Eighth: An historical survey of the B- |
Heelal, het |
Heelicopter, Pioneering with Igor Sikorsky |
Heeresfliegerwaffenschule, Die |
Heersers van het Luchtruim |
Heinkel He 162 Volksjager |
Heinkel He.111: A Documentary History (Jane's) |
Heinkel, Chronik und Typenblatter der Heinkel-Flugzeugbau (reprint |
Heinkel, Raketen- und Strahlflugzeuge |
Helden van het Luchtruim, een Halve Eeuw Luchtvaart (Prisma 1005) |
Helicopter Design and Data Book (1971) |
Helicopter Design and Data Book (second edition) |
Helicopter in Civil Operations, the |
Helicopter Pilot's Companion |
Helicopter Pilot's Manual Vol.2 Powerplants, Instruments... |
Helicopter Rescue |
Helicopter Rescue in the Alps, HEMS Operations in France-Italy-Sw. |
Helicopter Theory |
Helicopter, a Pictorial History |
Helicopter, an Illustrated History of Rotary-Winged Aircraft |
Helicopter, de (Library) |
Helicopter, de (sbk) |
Helicopter, History, Piloting and how it Flies (4th ed) |
Helicopters |
Helicopters & Autogyros of the World (1970) |
Helicopters & Autogyros of the World (1970, nd) |
Helicopters (Chant) |
Helicopters (Hooftman) |
Helicopters 1948-1998, A Contemporary History |
Helicopters and Autogiros, a Chronicle of Rotoray-Wing Aircraft |
Helicopters and VTOL Aircraft work like this |
Helicopters are Coming, the |
Helicopters before Helicopters |
Helicopters in Action |
Helicopters of the Third Reich (Classic 10) |
Helicopters of the World (Taylor) |
Helicopters of the World (Taylor, nd) |
Helicopters of Tomorrow, the Rudiments of Rotating Wing Flight |
Helicopters, Modern Air Power |
Helicopters, Ontwikkeling & Toekomst, Constructie & Besturing |
Helicopters: the British Columbia Story |
Helidrome Architecture |
Helitech 97 catalogue |
Hell is so Green, Search and Rescue Over the Hump in World War II |
Hell on High Ground |
Hell's Highway, 101e Airborne Divisie Tijdens Operatie Market G. 1 |
Hell's Highway, 101e Airborne Divisie Tijdens Operatie Market G. 2 |
Hellenic Air Force, a Portrait of Gold |
Hellfire |
Hemel in Puin |
Hemel is niet te Hoog, de |
Hemel is niet te Hoog, de |
Hemelpiloot |
Hendon Aerodrome - a History - |
Henri Mignet and his Flying Fleas |
Henrich Focke, Mein Lebensweg |
Her Majestic Return, Vulcan XH558 in the 21st Century |
Here's How the MH-97G AFCS and APC flies the F-104G Super St |
Herinnering aan de Nederlandse Zeevliegers, Een |
Herinneringen aan een Bevlogen Tijd |
Herinneringen aan een Wonder, de Voedseldroppings van April-Mei 45 |
Herinneringen aan Oud Schiphol 1916- 1967 |
Heritage of Kitty Hawk |
Heritage of Los Angelos World Airports, 1928 - 2003, 75 |
Heritage of Valour, the Eighth Air Force in World War II |
Herk: Hero of the Skies |
Herk: Hero of the Skies (nd) |
Herken de Koninklijke Luchtmacht in Binnen- en Buitenland (sbk) |
Hermann Goering, IJzeren Ikaros; het Duitse Luchtwapen doorheen |
Hermann Goering, Portret van een Rijksmaarschalk |
Het oneindige Heelal, Wereld der Wetenschap |
Hete Hangijzers, de Aanschaf van Nederlandse Gevechtsvliegtuigen |
Hi-Tech Vliegtuigen, Revolutionaire Ontwikkelingen in de Mil.Lucht |
Hickmans World Air Travel Guide - New |
Hickmans World Air Travel Guide 1980-81, Essential Info. |
Hier is Schiphol, Wereldluchthaven onder de Zeespiegel |
High and the Mighty (Pocket Books) |
High Blue Battle - War Diary of no.1 (401) Fighter Sqn RCAF |
High Flyers, 30 reminisences to Celebrate the 75th anniv.RAF |
High in the Sky (3rd edition) |
High in the Sky (4th ed) |
High Speed Flight |
Higher Call, an Incredible True Story of Combat and Chivalry |
Highest Duty (Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger) |
Highways in the Sky (no dustjacket) Story of the AACS |
Highways to the Empire |
Hilversum Riep de Reiger |
Himmel hat Grenzen, der zivile Luftverkehr |
Himmels-Almanach 2018 |
Himmels-atlas, Tabulae caelestes |
Himmelsschreiber - Geschichte und Technik der Luftwerbung |
Hindenburg, A gripping Account of the Nazi's last flight |
Hindenburg, de Waarheid over de Catastrofe van de Hindenburg |
Hindenburg, Reliving the era of the Great Airships |
Hints and Tips for Plastic Modelling (6th ed) |
Hippocrates, RN - Memoirs of a Flying Doctor (Minerva) |
Hirth Erfinder, Rennfahrer, Flieger. Vater Hellmuth Wolf |
Hirth Erfinder, Rennfahrer, Flieger. Vater Hellmuth Wolf (signed) |
Histoire de l'Aeronautique Francaise, Hommes et Evenements |
Histoire de l'Aeronautique Francaise, L'Epopee 1940 - 1960 |
Histoire de l'Aeronautique Francaise, L'Essor 1960 - 1980 |
Histoire de l'Aviation (Chambe/Flammarion) |
Histoire de l'Aviation (Chambe/Flammarion, 1962) |
Histoire de l'Aviation (Larousse) |
Histoire de l'Aviation Militaire, l'Armee de l'Air 1928 - 1981 |
Histoire de la Guerre Aerienne (nd) |
Histoire du Douglas DC-3 |
Histoire du Douglas DC-3, L' |
Histoire du Reseau Aerien Mondial (1914-1991) tome 1 |
Histoire du Reseau Aerien Mondial (1914-1991) tome 2 |
Histoire Orale, 1ere partie, Inventaire des Temoignages |
Histoires de la 11eme Escadre de Chasse |
Historia de l'Aviacio Catalana (1908-1936) |
Historia Grafica de la Aviacion Espanola |
Historic Aircraft (Apple) |
Historic Aircraft (Grange) |
Historic Aircraft (Grange, 1998) |
Historic Aircraft, Aeronautical and Nautical Collectables at CSK |
Historic Paper Planes |
Historic Warplanes, Aeronautical Collections of Famous Fighters & |
Historical British Aircraft, Hawker Siddeley Aviation 1909-1972 |
Historie van Marine Vliegkamp de Kooy/Vliegsquadron 860, de |
Historiek van de 15de Wing |
Historiek van de 15de Wing Luchttransport |
Historique de l'Escadrille 6 |
Historique de l'Escadron de Chasse '1/3 Navarre' |
Historique de la Base 112, A Travers 75 Ans d'Aviation a Reims |
Historique du 15e Wing de Transport Aerien |
Historique du 21 Regiment d'Aviation (1914 - 1918) |
Historische luftfahrtstatten in und um Berlin |
Historische Vliegtuigen |
History 447th Bomb Group |
History in the Arab Skies, Aviation's Impact on the Middle East |
History of Aerial Warfare |
History of Aviation (NEL) |
History of Aviation in India |
History of Aviation, Aircraft Identification Guide (w.dustjacket) |
History of Aviation, the |
History of Britain's Military Training Aircraft |
History of British Aviation 1908-1914 |
History of Combat Aircraft, A (Optimum) |
History of Combat Aircraft, A (Optimum, nd) |
History of Combat Aircraft, A (W.H. Smith) |
History of Flight |
History of Helicopters |
History of Liberators over Europe, 44th Bomb Group 'Flying Eight B |
History of Marine Aviation, a |
History of Marine Corps Aviation in WWII |
History of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 115 (library) |
History of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 232 |
History of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 312 |
History of Marine Observation Squadron Six (VMO-6) |
History of Passenger Aircraft (Optimum) |
History of Passenger Aircraft (WH Smith) |
History of RAF Aerobatic Teams from 1920; Smoke on...Go !' |
History of RAF Manston (3rd ed) |
History of RAF Mildenhall, (Local History No.3) |
History of RAF Sealand |
History of RAF Servicing Commandos |
History of RAF Station Harrowbeer 1944 to 1946 |
History of RAF Woodvale, a |
History of Royal Air Force Cranwell |
History of Royal Air Force Woodvale |
History of Soviet Air Power |
History of the 446th Bomb Group (H) 1943-1945 |
History of the 489th Bomb Group |
History of the 67th Bomb Squadron 44th Bomb Group (1987) |
History of the Douglas Skyraider AEW.1 |
History of the Fleet Air Arm, from Kites to Carriers |
History of the German Air Force |
History of the Glider Pilot Regiment |
History of the Hell Hawks |
History of the Pakistan Air Force 1947-1982 |
History of the Polish Air Force 1918-1968 |
History of the RAF (Dolphin/Bowyer) |
History of the RAF (Hamlyn/Bowyer, 1977) |
History of the RAF (Hamlyn/Bowyer, 1980 to 1983 editions) |
History of the RAF (Regency) |
History of the RAF 1939-1989 |
History of the RAF, Special Revised Edition (From 1939 to the Pr.) |
History of the Royal Air Force (Parragon) |
History of the Royal Air Force (Temple) |
History of the Royal Canadian Air Force |
History of the U.S. Air Force, the (BCA) |
History of the U.S. Air Force, the (Exeter) |
History of the United States Air Force (Arno/Goldberg) |
History of the United States Air Force (Fitzsimons) |
History of the United States Air Force, A |
History of the US Air Force (Bison Group, Yenne) |
History of the US Air Force (Bison/Hamlyn, Yenne) |
History of the US Air Force (Hamlyn, Anderton, 1982) |
History of the World's Glider Forces |
History of US Coast Guard Aviation (NIP) |
History of US Naval Air Power (Temple) |
History of USAFE - United States Air Force in Europe |
History of World Air Power (Military Press) |
History of World Air Power (Smith, W.H.) |
Hit & Run, Daring Air Attacks in World War II |
Hit my Smoke! Forward Air Controllers in Southeast Asia |
Hitler's Heroine, Hanna Reitsch |
Hitler's Jet Plane, the Me 262 Story |
Hitler's Luftflotte Startbereit |
Hitler's Luftwaffe (Crescent) |
Hitler's Luftwaffe (Leisure, nd) |
Hitler's Luftwaffe (Salamander) |
Hitler's Miracle Weapons volume 2; Rockets & Flying Crafts |
Hitler's Squadron, the Fuehrer's Personal Aircraft and Transport U |
Hitlers Geheimwaffen 1993 bis 1945 |
Hives & the Merlin |
Hobbyboek Radiobestuurde Modelvliegtuigen |
Hoe ik Piloot werd |
Hoe Komt Wie vliegt ooit tot Bedaren |
Hoe ontwerp ik een Klein Sportvliegtuig (nd) |
Hoe Overleven, te Land (Jungle - Woestijn - Poolstreken) - o |
Hoe wij Vliegen, Theorie van de Luchtvaart (2nd edition) |
Hoe wij Vliegen, Theorie van de Luchtvaart (nd) |
Hoe word ik Piloot |
Hoger Op, Driekwart eeuw Luchtvaart in Nederland (hbk) |
Hoger Op, Driekwart eeuw Luchtvaart in Nederland (sbk) |
Hoger, Sneller, Verder |
Hoger, Sneller, Verder (nd) |
Hogt Over Sverige |
Hohen und Tiefen (2009) |
Hohenfluge, Faszination und Herausforderung |
Hol van de Ratelslang, het |
Holland - Indie - Holland, in Storm en Zonnebrand |
Holland Aviation |
Holland from the Air (KLM) |
Hollanders in de Lucht (hbk) |
Hollanders in de Lucht (sbk) |
Hollanders Vliegen. Van H-NACC tot Uiver (Libellen nr.64) |
Holloman Story, Eyewitness Accounts of Space Age Research |
Holt Hartmann vom Himmel ! (29/37 ed) |
Holt Hartmann vom Himmel ! (59th ed) |
Home Front and War in the Twentieth Century, Proc. o/t 10th |
Hommes du Ciel, des |
Honolulu International Airport, Gateway to the Pacific, first 80 y |
Hoofdkwartier Militaire Luchtvaart - Overzicht 1947 (5 pc) |
Hoofdkwartier Militaire Luchtvaart - Overzicht december 1946 |
Hoog in de Lucht (Atlasreeks 17) |
Hoogte-Fysiologie (OS-125) |
Hoogvliegers ten Val, de Vliegende Mens in Mythe en Sage |
Hoogvliegers, de Spannendste Verhalen uit de Luchtvaart |
Horizonte, Faszination Segelflug |
Hornberg, Geschichte und Portrait eines Segelfluggelandes |
Hornchurch Eagles (vol.III) |
Hornchurch Scramble (vol. I)(2002) |
Hornet File |
Hornet's Nest |
Hornet, the Inside Story of the F/A-18 |
Horrido!, Fighter Aces of the Luftwaffe (Bantam) |
Horten 229 |
Horten Nurflugel-Jets, Hightach im Zweiten Weltkrieg |
Hostile Sky, the Mediterranean Airwar of the 79th Fighter Group |
Hot Jets, Supersonic Fighters of USAF |
Hovercraft (1984) |
Hovercraft Story (Library copy) |
Hovering Angels |
How Airliners Fly, a Passenger's Guide |
How it Works, Helicopters |
How it Works, The Aeroplane (Ladybird 654) |
How to Become an Airline Pilot |
How to Build Plastic Aircraft Models |
How to Buy a Used Airplane |
How to Fly a Plane |
How to Fly Floats |
How to Fly Lightplanes (hbk) |
How to Fly Lightplanes (sbk) |
How to Go Advanced Plastic Modelling |
How to go Aeromodelling |
How to Learn to Fly, Instructions for the machines featured |
How to make Model Aircraft |
How to Photograph Aircraft |
How to Photograph Scale Models |
How to take Great Photos from Airplanes (hbk) |
How to take Great Photos from Airplanes (sbk) |
Howard Hughes and his Flying Boat (hbk) |
Howard Hughes and TWA |
Howard Hughes Flying Boat, the |
Howard Hughes, An Airmanm, his Aircraft and his Great Flights |
Howard Hughes, Aviator |
Howard Hughes, His Achievements & Legacy - the Authorized Pict.Bio |
Howard Hughes, the Untold Story - the Life that inspired Martin Sc |
Hr.Ms. Karel Doorman, Vliegveld in Zee |
HS 125 |
Hubble's Kijk op de Kosmos |
HuBoBe, de Strategische VerVa in de Oorlogsdagen van 1940 |
HuBoBe, de Strategische VerVa in de Oorlogsdagen van 1940 (2nd ed) |
Hubschrauber der Luftwaffe im Katastropheneinsatz |
Hubschrauber Museumsbuch von Buckeburg |
Hubschrauber und Vertikalstart-Flugzeuge |
Hubschrauber, Geschichte Technik und Einsatz (1993, 2nd edition) |
Hugo Junkers, Ein Leben fur die Technik |
Huisje Boompje Beestje, gebundelde Vlieg-herinneringen 1928-1936 |
Human Error - by Design ? |
Human Factors in Aviation (Wiener & Nagel) |
Human Factors in Flight |
Human Performance and Limitations for the Professional Pilot |
Hun Laatste Vlucht |
Hun Laatste Vlucht (nd) |
Hundert Jahre Deutsche Luftfahrt (Bertelsman) |
Hundred feet over Hell, a |
Hungry Tigers: the Fighter Pilot's Role in Modern Warfare |
Hunter Aircraft Ground test Instructions |
Hunter One: the Jet Heritage Story |
Hunter Squadrons of the Royal Air Force and Fleet Air Arm |
Hunter, a Personal View of the Ultimate Hawker Fighter |
Hunter; Aircraft Hydraulic Equipment, Dowty, Jacks and Misc. |
Hunters in the Sky, Fighter Aces of WWII |
Hurricane |
Hurricane & Messerschmitt |
Hurricane Salute (Flypast special) |
Hurricane Special |
Hurricane Squadron (Adams) |
Hurricane Story (Berkley) |
Hurricane Story (Four Square) |
Hurricane Story (Joseph) |
Hurricane Story (Uniform) |
Hurricane, RAF Fighter (BostonMill) |
Hurricane, the Story of a Great Fighter (nd) |
Hurricane, the War Exploits of the Fighter Aircraft |
Hurricane, Victor of the Battle of Britain |
Hurricanes over Burma |
Husaren des Himmels, Beruhmte deutsche Jagdflieger und die Geschic |
Hybrid Warship - the Amalgamation of Big Guns and Aircraft |
Hydraulique et Electro-Hydraulique |
Hydrocarbon Fuel Chemistry, with Particular Reference to Aviation |
Hydromatic Quick-Feathering Propellers models 23E50-31 and Above |