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Jaarboek van de Luchtvaart 1985 (editie 1) |
Jaarboek van de Luchtvaart 1986 (editie 2) |
Jaarboek van de Luchtvaart 1987 (editie 3) |
Jaarboek van de Luchtvaart 1988 (editie 4) |
Jaarboek van de Luchtvaart 1989 (editie 5) |
Jaarboekje van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Ver. voor Luchtv 1913 |
Jaarboekje van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Ver. voor Luchtv 1921 |
Jaarboekje van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Ver. voor Luchtv 1923 |
Jaarboekje van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Ver. voor Luchtv 1924 |
Jaarboekje van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Ver. voor Luchtv 1925 |
Jaarboekje van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Ver. voor Luchtv. 1948 |
JaboGeschwader 1963-1993 - 30 Jahre |
Jacht op de Firefox |
Jacht op de V2, de (Spectrum 831) |
Jachtvliegers in de Koude Oorlog, Flirten met de Dood (1e druk) |
Jachtvliegers in de Koude Oorlog, Flirten met de Dood (Signed) |
Jachtvliegtuig, het |
Jachtvliegtuigen (Hooftman) |
Jachtvliegtuigen, Army Co-operation- en lesvliegtuigen ML/KNIL |
Jack Northrop and the Flying Wing, the Real Story Behind the Steal |
Jagd uber den Wolken |
Jagdflieger Oberst Werner Molders |
Jagdflieger Walter Nowotny, Bilder und Dokumente (1984) |
Jagdflieger Walter Nowotny, Bilder und Dokumente (1998) |
Jagdflieger, die Grossen Gegner von Einst |
Jagdflugzeuge der Deutschen Luftwaffe 1935-1945 |
Jagdgeschwader 2 'Richthofen', Auszuge der Geschwadergeschichte |
Jagdgeschwader 2 >>Richthofen<<, Eine Bildchronik |
Jagdgeschwader 27, Die Dokumentation uber den Einsatz 1939-1945 |
Jagdgeschwader 300 'Wilde Sau', teil 1, the Wild Huntsman |
Jagdgeschwader 300 'Wilde Sau', teil 2 |
Jagdgeschwader 301/302 'Wilde Sau' (Motorbuch) |
Jagdgeschwader 51 Molders, Eine Chronik, Berichte, Erlebnisse (85) |
Jagdgeschwader 51 Molders, Eine Chronik, Berichte, Erlebnisse (99) |
Jagdgeschwader 51, Eine Bilddokumentation uber die Jahre 1938-1945 |
Jagdgeschwader 52, part 1 / I. Band |
Jagdgeschwader 52, part 2 / II. Band |
Jagdgeschwader 52, part 3 / III. Band |
Jagdgeschwader 52, part 4 / IV. Band |
Jagdgeschwader 52, part 5 / V. Band |
Jagdgeschwader 52, part 6 / VI. Band |
Jagdgeschwader 53, part 1; a History of the 'Pik As' Geschwader |
Jagdgeschwader 53, part 2; May 1942 - January 1944 (nd) |
Jagdgeschwader 7, Die Chronik eines Me.262 Geschwaders 1944/45 |
Jagdgeschwader 71 Richthofen 1956 - 2013 |
Jagdgeschwaders 52, Geschichte des Stabes, der 13. und 15. Staffel |
Jagdstaffel 356 (4th ed) |
Jager-Asse des Reichsmarschalls, Die erfolgreichsten deutschen Jag |
Jaguar Squadrons |
Jahrbuch 2018 |
Jahrbuch 2019 |
Jahrbuch der Deutschen Akademie der Luftfahrtforschung 1938/1939 |
Jahrbuch der Luftwaffe 1 (1964) |
Jahrbuch der Luftwaffe 2 (1965) |
Jahrbuch der Luftwaffe 3 (1966) |
Jahrbuch der Luftwaffe 4 (1967) |
Jahrbuch der Luftwaffe 5 (1968) |
Jahrbuch der Luftwaffe 6 (1969) |
Jahrbuch der Luftwaffe 7 (1970) |
Jahrbuch der Luftwaffe 8 (1971) |
Jahrbuch der Luftwaffe 11 (1974) |
Jahrbuch der Luftwaffe 12 (1975/76) |
Jahrbuch der Luftwaffe 13 (1976/77) |
Jan Blok en de Vliegtocht (hbk) |
Jan Blok en de Vliegtocht (sbk) |
Jan de Vliegtuigman (een gouden boekje) |
Jane's 1981-82 Aviation Annual |
Jane's Aerospace Dictionary (1st Ed) |
Jane's Aerospace Dictionary (3rd Ed) |
Jane's Air War I; Fighter Combat in the Jet Age |
Jane's Aircraft Recognition Guide (1996) |
Jane's Aircraft Recognition Guide (1999, Fully updated second ed) |
Jane's Aircraft Recognition Guide (2007, fifth ed) |
Jane's Aircraft Recognition Guide (4th Ed. Smithsonian) |
Jane's Airport Equipment 1983-84 |
Jane's Airport Equipment 1984-85 |
Jane's Airport Equipment 1986-1987 (5th ed.) |
Jane's Airports, Equipment and Services 2006-2007 |
Jane's Airports, Equipment and Services 2007-2008 |
Jane's Airports, Equipment and Services 2010-2011 |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1913 (reprint) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1938 (reprint D&C) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1938 (reprint D&C, nd) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1940 |
Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1941 |
Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1942 |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1945 (Collector's Edition, 1996) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1945-46 |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1945-46 (some pictures removed!) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1945-6 (David & Charles Reprints) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1945/6 (reprint) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1945/6 (reprint, nd) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1949-50 |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1950-51 (Sampson) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1951-52 |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1952-53 |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1955-56 (McGraw-Hill) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1955-56 (with dustjacket) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1956-57 |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1956-57 (McGraw-Hill) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1957-58 |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1957-58 (McGraw-Hill) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1958-59 |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1959-60 |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1959-60 (McGraw-Hill) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1960-61 |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1961-62 |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1962-63 |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1963-64 (newly bound) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1964-65 |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1965-66 (nd) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1965-66 (with dustjacket) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1967-68 (no dustjacket) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1968-69 (nd) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1969-70 (no dustjacket, McGraw) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1970-71 (with dustjacket) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1971-72 (with dustjacket) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1972-73 |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1973-74 (nd) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1974-75 (no dustjacket) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1974-75 (with dustjacket) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1976-77 (nd) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1977-78 |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1978-79 (no dustjacket) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1978-79 (with dustjacket) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1979-80 (with dustjacket) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1979-80 (without dustjacket) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1980-81 (with dustjacket) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1981-82 (no dustjacket) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1982-83 (with dustjacket) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1982-83 (without dustjacket) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1983-84 (nd) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1983-84 (with dustjacket) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1984-85 (75th edition) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1984-85 (75th edition, with covor) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1985-86 |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1985-86 (with dustjacket) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1986-1987 (77th ed., nd) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1987-1988 (78th ed., nd) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1989-1990 (80th ed., nd) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1990-1991 (81th ed., nd) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1991-1992 (82th ed., nd) |
Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1992-93 (83th ed., nd) |
Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1993-1994 (84th ed., nd) |
Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1994-1995 (85th ed., nd) |
Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1995-1996 (86th ed., nd) |
Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1996-1997 (87th ed., nd) |
Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1997-1998 (88th ed., nd) |
Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1998-1999 (89th ed., nd) |
Jane's All the World's Aircraft 2000-2001 (91th ed.) |
Jane's All the World's Aircraft 2002-2003 (93th ed., nd) |
Jane's All the World's Aircraft 2003-2004 (94th ed., nd) |
Jane's All the World's Aircraft 2005-2006 (96th ed.) |
Jane's all the World's Airships 1909 (reprint, D&C) |
Jane's Aviation Review (Fourth year of issue)) |
Jane's Aviation Review (Second year of issue) |
Jane's Aviation Review 1983-1984 (Third year of issue) |
Jane's Aviation Review No.6 |
Jane's Avionics 1982-83, First Edition |
Jane's Avionics 1984-85 |
Jane's Avionics 1985-86 |
Jane's Avionics 1990-1991 (9th ed., nd) |
Jane's Civil and Military Aircraft Upgrades 1993-94 (first ed.) |
Jane's Electro-Optic Systems 2002-2003 |
Jane's Electro-Optic Systems 2003-2004 |
Jane's Electro-Optic Systems 2004-2005 |
Jane's Electro-Optic Systems 2005-2006 |
Jane's Electro-Optic Systems 2008-2009 |
Jane's Encyclopedia of Aviation (Bracken) |
Jane's Encyclopedia of Aviation (Janes, Box with five books) |
Jane's Encyclopedia of Aviation (Studio) |
Jane's Fighter Combat in the Jet Age (Air War 1) |
Jane's Fighting Aircraft of World War I |
Jane's Fighting Aircraft of World War II (Bracken) |
Jane's Fighting Aircraft of World War II (Studio Editions) |
Jane's Land-Based Air Defence 1996-97 (Ninth edition) |
Jane's Pocket Guide Modern Military Helicopters |
Jane's Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems 1992-93 (4th ed) |
Jane's Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems 1995-96 (7e ed) |
Jane's Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems 1996-97 (8e ed) |
Jane's Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems 1997-98 (9e ed) |
Jane's World Air Forces |
Jane's World Aircraft Recognition Handbook (1979) |
Jane's World Aircraft Recognition Handbook (1985/1989 |
Jane's World Aircraft Recognition Handbook (4th edition) |
Jane's World Aircraft Recognition Handbook (5th ed, 1992) |
Jane's World Aircraft Recognition Handbook (5th ed, 1995) |
Jane's World Aircraft Recognition Handbook, New Edition (1982, hbk |
Jane's World Aircraft Recognition Handbook, New Edition (1982, sbk |
Jane's World Combat Aircraft |
Janusz Zurakowski, one of the World's greatest Test Pilots |
Japan against Russia, In the Sky of Nomonhan |
Japanese Air Force postwar |
Japanese Aircraft Code Names & Designations |
Japanese Aircraft Industry in WW2, USAF 1946 Report |
Japanese Aircraft Interiors 1940 - 1945 |
Japanese Aircraft of the Pacific War (1970) |
Japanese Aircraft of the Pacific War (1979) |
Japanese Aircraft of World War II (Mayflower) |
Japanese Aircraft of World War II (S&J) |
Japanese and Russian aircraft of World War II (ABC) |
Japanese Army Air Force Camouflage & Markings World War II |
Japanese Army Air Force Fighter Units and Their Aces (JAPANESE TEX |
Japanese book, title unknown |
Japanese Experimental Transport Aircraft of the Pacific War |
Japanese Naval Aces and Fighter Units in World War II (Airlife) |
Japanese Naval Air Force Fighter Units and Their Aces, 1932-1945 |
Javelin from the Cockpit |
Jaws over Europe, B-24 Bombers in World War II |
Je Vliegt met je Vijand (nd) |
Jeo Velicenstvo Blanik |
Jeremy's Airport, a week in the Life of the popular Aeroflot Traff |
Jerusalem Airport |
Jet & Propjet 2000 |
Jet & Propjet 2001 |
Jet & Propjet 2002 |
Jet & Propjet 2003 |
Jet & Propjet 2004 Corporate Directory |
Jet & Propjet 2005 Corporate Directory |
Jet & Propjet 2012 Business Aircraft Directory |
Jet (Golley) |
Jet Age Flight Helmets, Aviation Headgear in Modern Age |
Jet Age, Strahlflugzeuge Schweizerischer Luftverkehrsuntern. |
Jet Age, True Tales of the Air since 1945 (Barker) |
Jet Aircraft of the World (nd) |
Jet Airliner Checklist (19..) |
Jet Airliner Checklist (1993) |
Jet Airliner Checklist (1994) |
Jet Airliner Checklist (1995) |
Jet Airliner Production List (1949-1989, bound) |
Jet Airliner Production List (1949-1989, Ringband) |
Jet Airliner Production List (1992, gebonden) |
Jet Airliner Production List (1992, ringband) |
Jet Airliner Production List Volume 1 - Boeing (1997, 2nd edition) |
Jet Airliner Production List Volume 1 - Boeing (1999, 3rd edition) |
Jet Airliner Production List Volume 1 - Boeing (2011 ed) |
Jet Airliner Production List Volume 2 (non - Boeing) (1998 binder) |
Jet Airliner Production List Volume 2 (non - Boeing) (1998) |
Jet Airliner Production List Volume 2 - Others (2009 ed) |
Jet Airliners of the World 1949-2001 |
Jet Airliners of the World 1990 |
Jet Airliners, An Illustrated History of Jet Travel |
Jet Bombers |
Jet Bombers, from the Messerschmitt Me.262 to the Stealth B2 |
Jet Commander & Westwind |
Jet Engine (2nd ed.) |
Jet Engine (3rd ed., with revision 1973) |
Jet Engine (4de ed.) |
Jet Engine (5th edition, softback) |
Jet Engine Manual |
Jet Fighter Performance From Korea to Vietnam |
Jet Fighters |
Jet Fighters & Bombers |
Jet Flying Boats |
Jet Lag de Baas |
Jet Liners |
Jet Pioneers, Gloster and the Birth of the Jet Age |
Jet Planes of the Third Reich, the Secret Projects, Volume One |
Jet Warbirds (Haynes) |
Jet Warbirds (Motorbooks) |
Jet Warplanes (Bison Hamlyn) |
Jet Warplanes, the Twenty-First Century (Bison) |
Jet Warplanes, the Twenty-First Century (Brompton) |
Jet Warplanes, the Twenty-first Century (Hamlyn) |
Jet, the Story of a Pioneer (Pan Books X15) |
Jetliner Glory; Airline Liveries (Airlife) |
Jetliner Plus - Airline Fleets & Production History |
Jetliners of the Red Star (Astral) |
Jets de Combat dans le Monde |
Jets, Warbird Worldwide Special Edition |
Jewels in the Sky: Fokker Aircraft since 1950 |
JG 26, Photographic History of the Luftwaffe Top Guns (Airlife) |
JG 26, Photographic History of the Luftwaffe Top Guns (Signed !) |
JG 26, Top Guns of the Luftwaffe (Ivy) |
JG 26, Top Guns of the Luftwaffe (Orion) |
JG 26, War Diary - Volume 1 1939-1942 |
JG 26, War Diary - Volume 2 1943-1945 |
JG 54, Jagdgeschwader 54 Grunherz, Aces of the Eastern Front |
JG 54: a Photographic History of the Grunherzjager |
JG.26, Geschichte Eines Jagdgeschwader 1937-1945 (no dustjacket) |
Jij bent mijn Bruid |
Jim Crow, the Story of 91 (Nigeria) Squadron |
Jimmy Doolittle all American, and the Tokyo Raiders |
John 'Cats Eyes' Cunningham, Aviation Legend |
John Derry, Story of Britain's First Supersonic Flight |
John Derry, the Story of Britain's first Supersonic Pilot (Kimber) |
John Glenn, a Memoir |
Johnny Hazard (Century Strip reeks) |
Johnny Kinsman, War and a Woman - the Bomber Pilot and the WAAF |
Johnny Peters en 't Vermiste Vliegtuig |
Join with the Eagles, Complete illustrated Hist. Curtiss-Wright A/ |
Joint Force Harrier (Penguin) |
Jolly Rogers, the Story of Tom Blackburn and NFS VF-17 (Orion) |
Jonge Jaren van de Luchtmacht |
Jongens en Luchtvaart |
Jons Viruly, Vlieger en Schrijver - Vleugels aan het woord gegeven |
Jour de L'aigle, - la Battaille d'Angleterre Aout-Sept. 1940 |
Journalist in de Lucht |
Journees Nationales de l'Air 1991 |
Journees Nationals de l'Air, Les Ecoles de l'Armee de l'Air |
Journey's End, Bomber Command's Battle from Arnhem to Dresden and |
Joy of Flying |
JP Airline Fleets - take along 1982 (with check markings) |
JP Airline Fleets 1985 |
JP Airline Fleets 1986 |
JP Airline Fleets 1990/91 |
JP Airline Fleets 1991/92 |
JP Airline Fleets 1994/95 |
JP Airline Fleets 1995/96 |
JP Airline Fleets 1997/98 |
JP Airline Fleets 1998/99 |
JP Airline Fleets 2000/01 |
JP Airline Fleets 2001/02 |
JP Airline Fleets 2002/03 |
JP Airline Fleets 2003/04 |
JP Airline Fleets 2004/05 |
JP Airline Fleets 2006/07 (40 Years) |
JP Airline Fleets 2011/12 |
JP Airline Fleets 2012/2013 |
JP Airline Fleets 78 |
JP Biz-Jet 1993 |
Ju 52 im Zweiten Weltkrieg |
Ju 87 Wtyka |
Ju 88... und ihre Folgemuster (nd) |
Juan de la Cierva and his Autogiros |
Jump Jet (2nd edition) |
June 1967 Six-Day War Volume A, Operation Focus |
Junge Adler, Vom Luftsport zum Flugdienst 1920-1945 |
Jungle Dive Bombers at War |
Junkers F13, the Return of a Legend |
Junkers for Scandinavia, a Piece of Nordic Aviation History |
Junkers Ju 87 Stuka |
Junkers Ju-52 in de Blitzkrieg |
Junkers Ju.287, der Erste Jet-Bomber der Welt |
Junkers Ju.88, Vol. 1 |
Junkersflugzeuge 1933-1945, Bewaffnung - Erprobung - Prototypen |
Junkersflugzeuge, Bewaffnung - Erprobung - Prototypen 1933-1945 |
Jusqu'au Bout sur nos Messerschmitt (Leur Aventure A3) |
Jusqu'au Bout sur nos Messerschmitt (Marabout) |
Just Call me Frank! |
Just in Case, passenger's Guide Airplane Safety & Survival |
Just Plane Crazy - Biography of Bobbi Trout |