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Second hand book series |
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Second hand Non-aviation |
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books NEW |
book series NEW |
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Military book series NEW |
S.55 Story, Storia di un Idrovolante, I Suoi Uomini |
Sa Majeste Caravelle |
SAAB 35 Draken, Scandinavian Cold War Warrior |
SAAB Aircraft since 1937 (1989) |
SAAB-Scania Story, the |
SABENA Air Nostalgie |
Sabena, 50 1923 - 1973 (Sabena Revue 38st year) |
Sabena, Belgian World Airlines |
Sabre to Stealth (hbk) |
Sabre to Stealth (sbk) |
Sabre, the Canadair Sabre in RAF Service |
Sadly Mismanaged Affair, A - Third London Airport |
Safe Airline, the |
Safe, Separated and Soaring - FAA Historical Series Vol.4 |
Safety in the Skies |
Safety is No Accident |
Safety Supplement, Technical Manual, USAF Flotation Equipm. |
Saga Flugvalla og Flugleidsogu a Islandi |
Saga of '54 and More - Story of the 310th Bombardment Group (M) |
Saga of Pappy Gunn (Duell)(2nd printing) |
Saga of the Bent-Wing Birds, Corsair Aces in the Solomons (nd) |
Saga of the Tin Goose, story of the Trimotor (Cumberland) |
Sagittarius Rising (Collier) |
Sagittarius Rising (Warner) |
Sagittarius Rising, classic account of flying in the 1st WW |
Sailplane Design, A Guide for Students and Designers |
Sailplanes & Soaring (nd) |
Sailplanes Vol.1 1920 - 1945 |
Sailplanes Vol.2 1945 - 1960 |
Sailplanes Vol.3 1965 - 2000 |
Saint-Exupery, Biographie |
Salford Lancaster, the fate of 106 Squadrons PB304 |
Sally B, a Very Special Lady |
Salto Mortale, Fokker in bedrijf 1912 - 1996 |
Salute Bomber Command, Official Souvenir edition |
Salute D-Day, 70th Anniversary |
Salute to the Hurricane (Flypast) |
Samolot Bombowy PZL-37 Los |
Samolot wielozadaniowy PZL-101 Gawron (SPM08) |
Samoloty '85 |
Samoloty Bombowe Wezesnia 1939 |
Samoloty Mysliwskie 1935 - 1937 |
Samoloty Mysliwskie Wresnia 1939 |
Samoloty wojskowe w Polsce vol.1 1918-1924 |
Samurai !, Flying the Zero in WWII with Japan's Fighter Ace |
Samurai !, the Personal Story of Japan's... (1st print Ballantine) |
SAS Flygplan 1946-2014 |
Satelliet Handboek, 60 Kanalen vrij uit de Ruimte |
Satellite Situation Report Vol.7 no.7, April 15, 1967 |
Satelliten selbst Beobachten |
Satellites & Space Travel (ABC) |
Saturn V Flight Manual SA 503 |
Saunders-Roe Princess Flying Boat Project |
Savoia Marchetti SM.79, the Yugoslav Story |
Say Again ? |
Say Again ? (and Say No More, smaller format) |
Say Chocks Away ! |
Say Coffee or Tea ? |
Say Heading ? |
Say How? - Yellow Bird SAY HOW do you Read ? |
Say No More |
Say Something ? Mike Lima Papa Say Something ! |
Say When ? (Tower, Say When van I expect permission to land) |
Say When and How |
SBD-3 Dauntless (History, Aviation & Scale Models Volumen One) |
SC-MAC Frequentieboek 1999 |
SC-MAC Frequentieboek 2000 |
SC-MAC Glossary (2nd edition) |
SC-MAC Glossary, 4th edition |
Scale Aircraft Drawings Volume II - World War II |
Scale in Hand |
Scale Model Aircraft from Vac-form Kits |
Scale Model Aircraft in Plastic Card |
Scale Model Aircraft in Wood (new revised edition of a classic) |
Scale Modeling Buyer's Guide (1st ed) |
Scale Modeling Tips and Techniques (2nd ed.) |
Scale Modellers Handbook, the (nd) |
Scale Modelling Advanced, Real Space |
Scale Models by Wylam |
Scale Reference Guide, Listing Virtually Every Scale Plan |
Schafsweide, Deutsche Geschichte auf dem Luft/Ein Zellhausen |
Schakels naar de Vrijheid - Pilotenhulp in Nederland |
Schicksal in Briefen (Hess) |
Schilderen van Modellen, Het |
Schiphol (Amsterdam Airport Schiphol) |
Schiphol Centrale Luchthaven |
Schiphol en de Nederlandse Luchtvaart |
Schiphol Gespot |
Schiphol Haven, Station, Knooppunt sinds 1916 |
Schiphol Luchtvaartstad |
Schiphol Megastructuur, Ontwerp in spectaculaire eenvoud |
Schiphol Timetable 2008 |
Schiphol van Boven Bekeken |
Schiphol, Amsterdam's Airport below the Sea |
Schiphol, de Contouren van een Mainport |
Schiphol, Een Wereldluchthaven in beeld |
Schiphol, Een Wereldluchthaven in beeld (nd) |
Schiphol, van Vliegwei tot Superluchthaven |
Schirra's Space |
Schlacht um England, die |
Schmiede der Luftmacht |
Schnaufer, Ace of Diamonds |
Schneider Trophy Story, the |
Schneider Trophy, the |
Schneider von Ulm, Fiktion und Wirklichkeit |
Schnellsten Flugzeuge der Welt, die |
Schone alte Flugmaschinen |
Schonsten Kunstflugzeuge, Die.. |
Schonsten Oldtimer-Segelflugzeuge |
Schoolbank tot Schietstoel, van |
Schroeflooze Vliegtuig (Gasturbines en reactievoortstuwing)(nd) |
Schroeflooze Vliegtuig (Gasturbines en reactievoortstuwing, cover) |
Schule des Segelfliegens, die |
Schutz und Hilfe uber den Wolken |
Schweinfurt-Regensburg Mission (Penguin, sbk) |
Schweinfurt-Regensburg Mission (Penguin, sbk, signed by author) |
Schweinfurt-Regensburg Mission, American Raids on 17 August 1943 |
Schweinfurt-Regensburg Mission, the (Lane) |
Schweinfurt-Regensburg Mission, the (Lane)(Signed !) |
Schweizer Luftwaffe, die Offiziele Jahrespublikation 2008 |
Schweizerischer, Luftpost-Katalog Handbuch (2nd edition) |
Schweizerischer, Luftpost-Katalog, catalogue de la Poste Aerienne |
Science Fiction Movies, the Movie Treasury |
Science of Flight, the |
Scimitar, Supermarine's last Fighter |
Scorpions Sting, the Story of No. 84 Squadron RAF |
Scotland's Airlines |
Scottish Aviation, Spring 1947 |
Scramble Airline Fleets Europe 2012 |
Scramble Military Serials Americas 2007 |
Scramble Military Serials Europe 2005 (1ste ed.) |
Scramble Military Serials Europe 2006 (second edition) |
Scramble Military Serials Europe 2007 |
Scramble Military Serials Europe 2008 |
Scramble Military Serials Europe 2009 |
Scramble Military Serials Europe 2014 |
Scramble Military Serials Europe 2015 |
Scramble Military Serials Europe 2018 (SMS2018) |
Scramble Military Serials World Edition 2022 |
Scramble Military Transport 2020 (SMT2020) |
Scramble Military Transports 2014 |
Scramble Military Transports 2017 - SMT 2017 |
Scramble World Airline Fleets 2015, SWAF 2015 |
Scramble World Airline Fleets 2017, SWAF 2017 |
Scramble, a Narrative History of Battle Of Britain |
Scrappy, Memoir of a U.S. Fighter Pilot in Korea and Vietnam |
Scratch Built! a Celebration of the Static Scale Airplane Modeller |
Sea Eagles, the Messerschmitt Bf.109T |
Sea Harrier and AV-8B |
Sea Harrier over the Falklands (2000) |
Sea Harrier over the Falklands (2003) |
Sea Harrier over the Falklands (Orion) |
Sea King |
Sea, Sky and Stars - An Illustrated History of Grumman Aircraft |
Sea-Flyers (nd) |
Seafire (Allan) |
Seals Eagle Force |
Seaplanes and Flying Boats |
Search and Rescue, the Story of the Coastguard Service |
Search for Amelia Earhart |
Search, Find and Kill - Coastal Command's U-boat Successes |
Searching for Lieutenant Greene |
Second Air Divison 8th Air Force, USAAF |
Second to None, the History of No.II (AC) Squadron RAF 1912-1992 |
Secret Aeroplane, the (9th ed) |
Secret Air Missions, Counterinsurgency operations in Southern Euro |
Secret Aircraft Designs of the Third Reich |
Secret German Aircraft Projects of 1945 |
Secret Messerschmitt Projects |
Secret MiGs of Bornholm |
Secret Squadrons of the Eight |
Secret Squadrons of the Eight (nd) |
Secret War, the (Metheun) |
Secret Wings of World War II, Nazi Technology and the Allied Arms |
Secrets of the Sky, over 130 Photographs diagrams and drawings |
Secrets of the Spitfire, the Story of Beverley Shenstone |
See the World |
Seek And Strike: the Lockheed Hudson In WWII |
Segelfliegen |
Segelfliegen erobert die Welt (nd) |
Segelfliegen fur Anfanger, Theorie und Praxis |
Segelfliegen Ohne Geheimnisse (1979) |
Segelflieger Ferdinand Schulz, Er Flog die Besenstielkiste |
Segelflieger im Aufwind (nd) |
Segelflug (Deutsche Meisteraufnahmen 14) |
Segelflug (nd) |
Segelflug erobert die Welt (1941, 3rd edition) |
Segelflug erobert die Welt (1952) |
Segelflug im Wettbewerb der Volker |
Segelflug und Langsamflug, Neue wege in der Sportfliegerei |
Segelflug und Langsamflug, Neue wege in der Sportfliegerei (nd) |
Segelflug und Segelflieger |
Segelflugstart, Geschichte - Technik - Praxis |
Segelflugzeugbau, Ideen und Projekte |
Segelflugzeuge 1935-1985 (1986) |
Segelflugzeuge in Deutschland (1979) |
Segelflugzeuge in Deutschland, Ein Typenbuch (1992) |
Segelflyg i Gar och i Dag |
Segeln uber den Alpen (1st print, with dustjacket) |
Segeln uber den Alpen (later editions) |
Selbstbau eines Modelluftschiffes (Zeppelin) |
Select Colour Guide Helicopters |
Selectie Luchtmacht 50 Jaar |
Sempre Piu' in Alto |
Sent Flying, the Autobiography of Bill Pegg (with dustjacket) |
Sentinels of the Sky: Glimpses of the Indian Air Force |
Sentinels of the Sky; Glimpses of the Indian Air Force (Ritana) |
Seperate Little War, a |
September 1944 - Operation Market Garden |
Serenade to the Big Bird (1957) |
Set up to Floats, Airplane Single Engine Seaplane Training Manual |
Seven Decades of Progress, a heritage of Aircraft Turbine Technolo |
Seven Skies, a study of BOAC and its Forerunners since 1919 |
SF-260, la Ferrari del Cieli |
SF-4 Years 's Greatest Science-Fiction and Fantasy |
SFO, A Pictorial History of the Airport (San Francisco) |
Shackleton - At War and Peace |
Shades of Blue, US Naval Air Power since 1941 (Airlife) |
Shadow over the Atlantic, Fernaufklarungsgruppe 5 'Atlantik' |
Shadows of Steel (Berkley) |
Shady Lady, Flying the U-2 Spy Plane |
Shark's Teeth Nose Art (Airlife) |
Shark's Teeth Nose Art (Motorbooks) |
Sharks over China; the 23rd Fighter Group in WWII |
Sharp End - Sea Harrier Front Line |
Shenandoah Saga (later editions 1985/89) |
Shepherd, the (Arrow) |
Shepherd, the (BCA) |
Shipbusters, the RAF's most Dangerous Activity |
Shipping, Een dag uit de Operationele Geschiedenis v/h 18de |
Ships and Aircraft of the US Fleet (Fahey's Victory edition)(1 - 5 |
Ships and Aircraft of the US Fleet, Two-Ocean Fleet Edition |
Ships, Aircraft and Weapons of the United States Navy |
Shootdown, The Verdict on KAL 007 |
Shooting Suns & Things - Transatlantic Fliers at Portmarnock |
Short Stirling Remembered, Air History Series 1 |
Short Sunderland in World War II (hbk) |
Short Sunderland in World War II (sbk) |
Short Wave Radio Listener's Handbook |
Shutting Down the National Dream - A.V.Roe and the Arrow (1997) |
Shuttle 3 (revised 3rd edition) |
Shuttleworth Collection, the |
Shuttleworth, the Aircraft Collection |
Si noi am Construit Avioane IAR 93, 99, Supersonicul 95 |
SIAI Marchetti, Agile Pinguin in Belgian Skies (Dutch) |
SIAI, Momenti di Storia |
SIAI, Pagine di Storia |
SIAI... Ali nella Storia |
Siege of Rabaul |
Siegnac Nieba... / Reaching for the Sky... Aviation Photography by |
Sierra Hotel, Flying Air Force In The Decade After Vietnam |
Sigh for a Merlin, Testing the Spitfire (Aviation Archive) |
Sigh for a Merlin, Testing the Spitfire (Murray) |
Sigh for a Merlin, the Testing of the Spitfire |
Silberkondor uber Feuerland (Ullstein) |
Silent Invader, a Glider Pilot's Story of the Invasion (hbk) |
Silent Invader, a Glider Pilot's Story of the Invasion (sbk) |
Silent Skies, Gliders at War 1939 - 1945 |
Silent Wings at War - Combat Gliders in World War II (sbk) |
Silent Wings, Saga of the US Army and Marine Combat Glider Pilots |
Silhouetten van Vliegtuigen (Nr.70a - 1939) |
Silhouettes d'Avions classees par analogie, Echelle 1/200 (reprint |
Silhouettes of Aeroplanes (reprint) |
Silken Canopy, the History of the Parachute |
Silksheen, the History of East Kirby Airfield |
Silver City Airways, Pioneers of the Skies |
Silver Step 210 |
Silver Wings, Serving and Protecting Croatia |
Silvered Wings, Aerial Photography of Gordon Bain |
SilverWings - Boeing 727 |
Simplex, Entwicklung und Bau eines Vollkunstoff-F3B-Modells |
Single-Engine Pipers |
Sir James Martin |
Sitting Ducks & Peeping Toms |
Six Battles, Sky Warriors |
Six Months to Oblivion, the Eclipse of the Luftwaffe Fighter Force |
Sixty Glorious Years, a Tribute to the Douglas DC-3 (Airlife) |
Sixty Glorious Years, a Tribute to the Douglas DC-3 (Motorbooks) |
Sixty Squadron RAF 1916-1919 (Vintage Aviation Library) (hbk) |
Sixty Squadron Royal Air Force |
Skanska Flygflottiljen 50 ar 1940 - 1990 |
Sketches from a Pilot's Life |
Skies Call (part 3) |
Skies of Fire, Dramatic Air Combat |
Skull & Cross Bones Squadron: VF-17 in WWII |
Skunk Works, a Personal memoir of my Years at Lockheed (Little Bro |
Sky Battles, Dramatic Air Warfare Actions (Cassell) |
Sky Catalogue 2000.0, Volume 1 Stars to magnitude 8.0. |
Sky Catalogue 2000.0, Volume 2 |
Sky Fever (Wren, 1979) |
Sky Full of Challenges, a (revised 2005) |
Sky Guide (Second edition) |
Sky High, Heroic Pilots of the Second World War |
Sky High, Heroic Pilots of the Second World War (Library copy) |
Sky is our Ocean, the |
Sky Master: the Story of Donald Douglas and the Douglas A/c Comp |
Sky my Kingdom, Memoirs of the Famous German WWII Test-Pilot (gr) |
Sky on Fire - the First Battle of Britain 1917-1918 |
Sky over Scapa 1939-1945 (Bellavista) |
Sky Scorpions, the Story of the 389th Bomb Group in WWII |
Sky Ship, The Akron Era |
Sky Ships, the Story of Past, Present of Skyways & Skytrade |
Sky Spy, From six Miles High to Hitler's Bunker |
Sky Suspended, the |
Sky Their Battlefield, the |
Sky their Frontier |
Sky Warriors - the Spirit of Fast Jet Flight |
Sky Warriors, Classic Air War Battles (hbk) |
Sky's the Limit |
Sky's the Limit, a History of the U.S. Airlines |
Sky's the Limit, a Soaring Celebration of John F. Kennedy Internat |
Sky, Our Country, 25 Years of the Republic of Singapore Air Force |
Skybound, Het Avontuur van het Vliegen |
Skyfaring, a Journey with a Pilot |
Skygods, the Fall of Pan Am |
Skylights |
Skyliners 1: North America, Mainliners, Falcons and Flagships |
Skyliners 2 |
Skyliners 3, A Journey to Asia |
Skymen, Heroes of 50 Years of Flying |
Skyrocketing into the Unknown |
Skyship!, Renaissance of the British Airship Industry |
Skystreak, Skyrocket & Stiletto |
Skystrike |
Skyteam, I Repeat, Fuelstate ? - Still counting |
Skywriting, an Aviation Anthology |
Slag bij Arnhem, de Mythe van het Verraad Weerlegd (nd, library) |
Slag bij Midway, de (Prisma 1109) |
Slag om Arnhem (Bruna) |
Slag om Arnhem (Sijthof) |
Slag om Arnhem (Sijthof, 1958) |
Slag om Engeland (Trevor, 3e Druk) |
Slag om Engeland (Trevor, later editions, hbk, nd) |
Slag om Engeland (Trevor, later editions, sbk) |
Slag om Engeland, de (Collier/Nieuwe Wieken) |
Slag om Engeland, de (Collier/West Friesland) |
Slag om Groot-Brittannie, augustus-october 1940 |
Slag om Ypenburg - mei 1940, de (hbk) |
Slag om Ypenburg - mei 1940, de (sbk) |
Slovensti Letci / Slovak Airman 1939-1945 |
Sluipvluchten naar Lissabon |
Slybird Group, 353rd Fighter Group on Escort & Ground Attack |
Small Steps, Memoirs of a Fighter Pilot |
Smirnoff Story. A Biography of Iwan Smirnoff |
Smoke Trails in the Sky |
SNAFU, Jusu'au bout des Ailes |
Snaith Days, Life with 51 Squadron 1942-45 |
Snake Driver!, Cobras in Vietnam (Ivy) |
Snelgids Microsoft Flight Simulator (FS2002) |
Sneller dan het Geluid |
Snelste vliegtuigen ter Wereld |
Snoopy de Brokkenpiloot |
Snoopy's avonturen met Vliegtuigen |
Snowbirds Flying High, Canada's Snowbirds Celebrate 25 Years |
Snowbirds, Canada's Ambassadors of the Sky |
So Away I Went !, Flight - it's first Seventy-Five Years (CAA Lib) |
So Fliegen die Deutschen/German Planes and Airlines |
So Lernte Ich Segelfliegen (nd) |
So Many; a Folio Dedicated to all who Served with RAF Bomber |
Soaring Across Country |
Soaring Eagles - McDonnell Douglas F-15 (Hamlyn) |
Soaring Eagles - McDonnell Douglas F-15 (Mallard) |
Soaring Pilot's Manual |
Soaring Pilot, the (nd) |
Soaring Storks: A Saga of Valour and Excellence (33 Squadron) |
Soaring with the Schweizers: the Fifty-Year History of their |
Soaring, An Introduction to the Glorious World of Sky Sports |
Soaring: The Sport of Flying Sailplanes |
SOBEH en de Nederlandse Helikopter Industrie |
Soesterberg van Toen tot Nu |
Soesterberg Vliegveld, 1939-1945, Oorlogsgeweld in en boven 't |
Sohne des Ikarus, die abenteuerlichtseten Fliegergeschichte |
Sojusznicy Luftwaffe Czesc 1 |
Sojusznicy Luftwaffe Czesc 2 |
Solar Impulse, round-the World Countdown |
Soldaat van Oranje 40-45 (nd, forum) |
Soldaat van Oranje 40-45 (sbk, forum) |
Soldaat van Oranje 40-45 (sbk, forum, 15th ed) |
Soldaat van Oranje 40-45 (with dustjacket) |
Solo-Vlucht (Collectie Pilote 12) |
Sonderdruck - Aus den Geheimarchiven der Luftwaffe 1942 - 1945 |
Sopwith - the Man and his Aircraft |
Sopwith Camel - King of Combat (Glasney) |
Sorcieres de la Nuit, L' Extraordinaire Histoire des Aviatrices S |
Sortie not Completed, Our Search for a lost Bomber Crew |
Sortie, a Bibliografie of American Combat Aviation Unit Histories |
Sostenibilidad |
Sound Barrier (Panther) |
Source Book of the RAF, the |
South African Air Force - the Poster Book (2nd impression) |
South-East Asia Civil Aircraft Registers (complete to 1979) |
Southampton/Eastleigh Airport (Airports 1) |
Southend Airport through Time |
Southern Aircraft (Gatwick) Limited |
Southern Europe and the Middle East Civil Registers 1980 |
Souvernirs d'Aeroport du Raizet a Guadeloupe Pole Caraibes |
Soviet Air & Rocket Forces (nd) |
Soviet Air Force |
Soviet Air Force, Aircraft, Strategy and Operations of the |
Soviet Air Power (Bison Books) |
Soviet Air Power (Brompton)(reprint 1989) |
Soviet Air Power (Crescent) |
Soviet Air Power (Crescent, nd) |
Soviet Air Power (Salamander) |
Soviet Air Power and the Pursuit of New Military Options |
Soviet Aircraft of Today |
Soviet Airliners II |
Soviet Airmen in the Spanish Civil War |
Soviet Airwomen in Combat in World War II |
Soviet Airwomen of the Great Patriotic War, pictorial history |
Soviet and Russian Ekranoplans |
Soviet Combat Aircraft of Second World War vol. 1; Single Fighters |
Soviet Combat Aircraft of Second World War vol. 2 |
Soviet Combat Aircraft, the Four Postwar Generations |
Soviet Cosmonautics: Questions and Answers |
Soviet Helicopters - Design,development & Tactics (Signed) |
Soviet Military Aircrafts in Monino |
Soviet Military Helicopters |
Soviet Military Power (1983) |
Soviet Military Power (1986) |
Soviet Military Power (1987) |
Soviet Military Power, Prospects for Change, 1989 |
Soviet Strategic Aviation in the Cold War (Hikoki, 2009) |
Soviet Transport Aircraft since 1945 |
Soviet Transports '94 |
Soviet Transports, More than half a Century of |
Soviet Wings, Modern Soviet Military Aircraft (Greenhill) |
Soviet Writings on Earth Satellites and Space Travel |
Soviet X-Planes (Midland) |
Soviet X-Planes (Motorbooks) |
Sovjet Luchtstrijdkrachten |
Sovjet Strijdkrachten, een Encyclopedie van Militair Warschaupactm |
Sowjetische Bombenflugzeuge |
Sowjetische Fliegerkrafte Deutschland 1945-1994 - Band 2 |
Sowjetische Jagdflugzeuge |
Sowjetische Rustung, Pentagon-Papier z. Zwojetischen Rustung |
Space (Fawcett Crest) |
Space 86 |
Space Facts; a Handbook of Basic and Advanced Space Data |
Space Flight, a Swift Picture Book |
Space Photography, 1974 index |
Space Ship One, An Illustrated History |
Space Shuttle 'Columbia' |
Space Shuttle (Baker/Cavendish)(sbk) |
Space Shuttle (Kerrod) |
Space Shuttle Entry Handbook (3rd ed.) |
Space Shuttle Operator's Manual |
Space Shuttle, Lijndienst naar de Toekomst |
Space Shuttle, Nieuw Tijdperk in de Ruimtevaart |
Space Shuttle, the History of Developing the NSTS |
Space Shuttle, the History of Developing the NSTS (Motorbooks, hbk |
Space Travel, Facts, Stories, Activities |
Space Traveller's Handbook |
Space Treck, the Endless Migration (Library) |
Space Wars, Worlds & Weapons |
Spain, Portugal (1977) |
Spanish Air Force in Peace Operations |
Spartan, Seven Letters that spanned the Globe |
Spazio '92 - Report of a study-tour through Germany to Italy |
Special Forces and Missions (New face of War) |
Special Operations Aviation (Airlife) |
Special Study of Operation "Vittles", the Story of Berlin Airlift |
Specialist Aircrew, Life and Times of a 1951 to 1991 RAF Pilot |
Spectrum Maanatlas |
Speed in the Air |
Speedbird Book |
Speedsters, Today's Air Racers in Action |
Spektakulare Luftbild Flieger und Ballonfahreraufnahmen |
Spelen met Flight Simulator (FS5.0) |
Spice of Flight l |
Spiel mit dem Aufwind, das |
Spies in the Sky |
Spies of the Airwaves |
Spinoff 1984 |
Spionage vanuit de Lucht |
Spirit of Billund |
Spirit of Britain First, the Dramatic 20-year quest to Return |
Spirit of Hamble, Folland Aircraft |
Spirit of St.Louis (Murray) |
Spirit of St.Louis (Murray) (nd) |
Spirit of St.Louis (Tandam Great Ventures) |
Spirit of the Blue, A Fighter Pilot's Story |
Spirits in the Sky |
Spirits in the Sky, Classic Aircraft of WWII (Salamander) |
Spirits in the Sky, Classic Aircraft of WWII (Smithmark) |
Spirits in the Sky, Klassische Flugzeuge aus dem Zweiten W. |
Spitfire ! Spitfire ! |
Spitfire & Hurricane |
Spitfire (Osprey) |
Spitfire 70, FlyPast Special |
Spitfire 80, FlyPast Special |
Spitfire and Hurricane Tribute - RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Fl |
Spitfire Command (Kimber) |
Spitfire Diary (Kimber) - Boys of One-Two-Seven |
Spitfire in Blue |
Spitfire International |
Spitfire into Battle (Arrow) |
Spitfire into Battle (Murray) |
Spitfire into War (Grafton) |
Spitfire Log - 50th Anniversary Tribute |
Spitfire Mark V in Action, the |
Spitfire Odyssey, My Life at Supermarines 1936 - 1957 |
Spitfire Offensive (Bounty) |
Spitfire Offensive (Grub, hbk) |
Spitfire Offensive (Wren) |
Spitfire on my Tail (Independent, 1990) |
Spitfire on the Wing (Flypast) |
Spitfire Patrol, Spitfire XIV tegen de Vliegende Bom |
Spitfire Piloot (nd) |
Spitfire Pilot, A Personal Account of the Battle of Britain (Green |
Spitfire Postscript |
Spitfire Special (Aircraft Modeller International, re-print) |
Spitfire Special, New Light on an Historic Fighter (1972) |
Spitfire Special, new light on an Historic Fighter (1973/1977) |
Spitfire Special, New Light on an Historic Fighter (1990) |
Spitfire Squadron, No.19 Squadron at War 1939-1941 |
Spitfire Stories, True Tales from Those Who Designed, Maintained a |
Spitfire Story (A&AP, hardback) |
Spitfire Story (Jane's) |
Spitfire Story, Revised Second Edition |
Spitfire Strikes, A New Zealand Fighter Pilot's Story |
Spitfire Summer, the People's eye-view of the Battle of Britain |
Spitfire Survivors |
Spitfire women of World War II |
Spitfire! Spitfire! |
Spitfire's Forgoten Designer, The Career of Supermarine's Joe Smit |
Spitfire, 50 Years On |
Spitfire, A Complete Fighting History |
Spitfire, a Documentary History (BCA) |
Spitfire, a Documentary History (MacDonald) |
Spitfire, A Test Pilot's Story (Murray) |
Spitfire, Fighter Supreme |
Spitfire, Flying Legend (sbk) 60th Anniversary of the Battle of B |
Spitfire, Portrait of a Legend (1988) |
Spitfire, Portrait of a Legend (2007) |
Spitfire, Portrait of a Legend (2008) |
Spitfire, Sixty Fabulous Years ! (Flypast Special) |
Spitfire, the Combat History |
Spitfire, the History (1987/88) |
Spitfire, the Story of a Famous Fighter (1961, revised) |
Spitfire, the Story of a Famous Fighter (1973)(3rd ed) |
Spitfires and Polished Metal, Restoring the Classic Fighter (Airl) |
Spitfires and Yellow Tail Mustangs |
Spitfires contra Stukas, Dossier 1939-1945 |
Spitfires contra Stukas, Dossier 1939-1945 (nd) |
Spitfires contre Stukas, le Dossier 1939-1945 |
Spitfires on the Wing (Flypast) |
Spitfires op! |
Spitfires op! (no dustjacket) |
Spitfires over Israel, First Authoritative Account of Air Conflict |
Spitfires over the Arakan |
Spomienky Technika |
Sporen aan de Hemel; Kroniek van een Luchtoorlog; deel 1 |
Sporen aan de Hemel; Kroniek van een Luchtoorlog; deel 2 |
Sporen aan de Hemel; Kroniek van een Luchtoorlog; deel 3 |
Sporen in de Lucht |
Sporen Terug, Crash van een Liberator 13 november 1944 |
Sport Flying (By the Editors of Flying Magazine) |
Sport Flying Aircraft (Russian book) |
Sport Game, the High-Risk competitive Business of Making and Sell. |
Sport in de Luchtvaart, de |
Sport in de Luchtvaart, de (no dustjacket) |
Sport Parachuting (3rd ed) |
Sportflieger-Lexicon |
Sporty Game, the High-Risk Competetive Business of Making and Sel. |
Sprechfunk im Sichtflug |
Sprong in de Derde Dimensie (Phoenix Pocket 24) |
Sprong in het Duister, het ware relaas van de Ontsnapping |
Sprong zonder Einde |
Spruce Goose, Commemorative Pictorial |
Spur des Lowen, der Weg des Lowengeschwaders durch Europa |
Spy Flights of the Cold War (Hbk) |
Spy-Tech (Library) |
Spyplane, the Secret world of Aerial Intelligence-gathering (Tem) |
Spyplanes, America's Covert Aircraft in Action |
Squadron 545 |
Squadron 860 1943-1993, in 50 jaar van Stringbag to Fly by Wire |
Squadron Airborne (Heinemann) |
Squadron Airborne (Pan) |
Squadron and Special Markings of the Post-War South African AF |
Squadron Codes 1937-56 |
Squadron of Deception: 36th Bomb Squadron in World War II |
Squadron that Died Twice, the The story of No. 82 Squadron RAF |
Squadron, de Jachtvliegerij in de Naoorlogse Jaren |
Squadrons of the Royal Air Force (1980) |
Squadrons of the Royal Air Force (1980) |
Squadrons van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht |
Squadrons van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht (revised) |
Squadrons, Patches, heraldry & Artwork of the Indian Air Force |
SR-71 Revealed, the Inside Story |
SR-71, Inside Lockheed's Blackbird |
St-Exupery, L'Ultime Secret |
St. Michael Pictorial History of Aircraft (Sundial) |
Staart vloog alleen ! Slijpe 1.3.1945 |
Stabiliteit en Besturing van Vliegtuigen (Lezing) |
Stalag Luft III Sagan... Nuernberg... Moosburg |
Stalin's Aviation Gulag, A Memoir of Andrei Tupolev and the Purge |
Stalin's Falcons 1941-1945 (Russian book) |
Stalls & Spins |
Stalls, Spins, and Safety |
Standard Aircraft Handbook (5th edition) |
Standard Catalog of Piper Single Engine Aircraft |
Standard Catalog of Piper Twin Engine Aircraft |
Stansted Experience, the |
Star Trek Encyclopedia, A Reference Guide to the Future (Upda) |
Star Trek Federation Science European Tour |
Star Trek; Interview Book |
Starfighter Colours, Colorie fantasie nei cieli Italiani |
Starfighter, 25 Jahre F-104 in der Marine -Bilanz & Chronik |
Starfighter, de geschiedenis van de F-104G in dienst vd NATO |
Starfighter, de Geschiedenis van de Starfighter in Nederland |
Starfighter, de Geschiedenis van de Starfighter in Nederland |
Stars at a Glance |
Start im Morgengrauen, Eine Chronik vom Untergang der Deuts. (1973 |
Start in de toekomst |
Start in de Toekomst (with dustjacket) |
Start ins Dusenzeitalter |
Start of Gliding in Italy, Asiago: l Nascita del Volo a vela in |
Startbaan Vrij! |
Startbaan Vrij! (nd) |
Starten und Landen |
Startklaar |
Startklar... ein Blick hinter die Kulissen des Luftverkehrs |
Starwatch, the Best, Most Comprehensive Year-Round Viewing Guide |
Statement on the Defence Estimates 1979 |
Stationen, Eines Deutschen Luftfahrt-Ingenieurs, Herbert Gropp |
Staying Current, a Proficiency Guide for Serious Pilots |
Stealth Aircraft - Secrets of Future Air Power (Airlife, hbk) |
Stealth Aircraft - Secrets of Future Air Power (Airlife, sbk) |
Stealth Aircraft - Secrets of Future Air Power (Motorbooks) |
Stealth Bomber - Invisible Warplane, Black Budget |
Stealth Warplanes (Salamander) |
Stealth Warplanes (Salamander/Guild) |
Stealth, Operations declassified |
Stealth-Unsichtbare Flugzeuge |
Steeds in the Sky; the Fabolous Fighting Planes of WWII |
Steel Tiger (Jove Books) |
Steen, Een Geschiedenis door Huize Groenoord |
Stehplatz am Himmel, die Welt der Heissluftballone |
Steichen at War, Naval Aviation in the Pacific |
Stepan Anastasovich Mikoyan, Memoirs of Military Test-Flying |
Stern von Afrika, der |
Sterren en Planeten, het Heelal in Beeld |
Sterren in hun Loop, de (2de ed) |
Sterrengids 1967 |
Sterrengids 1974 |
Sterrengids 1975 |
Sterrengids 1977 |
Sterrengids 1979 |
Sterrengids 1981 |
Sterrengids 1982 |
Sterrengids 1983 |
Sterrengids 1984 |
Sterrengids 1985 |
Sterrengids 1986 |
Sterrengids 1987 |
Sterrengids 1988 |
Sterrengids 1989 |
Sterrengids 1990 |
Sterrengids 1991 |
Sterrengids 1992 |
Sterrengids 1993 |
Sterrengids 1994 |
Sterrengids 1995 |
Sterrengids 1996 |
Sterrengids 1997 |
Sterrengids 1998 |
Sterrengids 1999 |
Sterrengids 2000 |
Sterrengids 2001 |
Sterrengids 2002 |
Sterrengids 2003 |
Sterrengids 2004 |
Sterrengids 2005 |
Sterrengids 2006 |
Sterrengids 2007 |
Sterrengids 2008 |
Sterrengids 2009 |
Sterrengids 2010 |
Sterrengids 2011 |
Sterrenkunde voor Iedereen (Alders) |
Sterrenkunde voor Iedereen (Ernst) |
Sterrenkunde, Weerkunde en Ruimtevaart |
Stichting Vliegsport Gilze Rijen |
Stick and Rudder, an Explanation of the Art of Flying |
Stiftelsen Dakota Norway, Slik den ble til |
Still Flight |
Still Flying |
Stille Abenteuer, das (1976, 2nd print) |
Sting of the Hornet |
Sting of the Luftwaffe, the |
Stingers, McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 (Hamlyn) |
Stirling File |
Stirlings in Action with the Airborne Forces; Air Support for SAS |
Storia degli Aerei d'Italia dal 1911 al 1961 |
Storia Illustrata dell' Aviazione - 1; Dagli Inizo Fino Al 1935 |
Storia Illustrata dell' Aviazione - 2; Dagli Anni Trenta Fino Ai N |
Stories of the Eighth |
Storm from the Skies, the Strategic Bombing Offensive 43-45 |
Storm Front, the Extraordinay True Story of a Secret War |
Storm in the Desert (Air Forces Monthly Extra Special Issue) |
Stormbird; Flying through Fire as a Luftwaffe Ground-Attack |
Storming Eagles - German Airborne Forces in World War Two (Cassell |
Storming Intrepid, a compelling, accurate, convincing high-tech th |
Stormy Genius, Life of Aviation's Maverick Bill Lear |
Story of 'Another' Loch Ness Monster |
Story of 609 Squadron, under the white Rose (Crecy) |
Story of Air Fighting, the (Arrow) |
Story of Air Fighting, the (Hutchinson) |
Story of Air Transport in America (Connecting a Continent) |
Story of Aircraft, Seven decades of powered flight (dustjacket) |
Story of Aviation in the Kingdom of Bahrain |
Story of Flight |
Story of Flight (Ladybird, 1) |
Story of Flying, the |
Story of Gliding (1st ed) |
Story of Gliding (Second ed) |
Story of King..., "That others may live" |
Story of No.11 Group Fighter Command, 1940 |
Story of the 58th Fighter Group of World War II |
Story of the Airship (1942) |
Story of the Airship (8th ed 1932) |
Story of the Bomber 1914-1945, the (Cathay) |
Story of the Bomber 1914-1945, the (Octopus) |
Story of the Crusaders, the 386th Bomb Group (M) in World War II |
Story of the Pakistan Air Force - a Saga of Courage & Honour |
Story of the Red Arrows |
Story of the Spitfire, An Operational and Combat History (Greenh.) |
Story of the Torpedo Bomber, the |
Story of the Winged-S (1967) |
Story of Transatlantic Flight |
Straalbommenwerpers |
Straaljager Me 163, Een ooggetuigeverslag van een der Overlevenden |
Straaljager Me 163, Een ooggetuigeverslag van een der Overlevenden |
Straaljagerpiloot |
Straaljagers |
Straalverkeersvliegtuigen (Kijk) |
Strahlaufklarer Messerschmitt Me 262, die Geschichte der NKG 6 |
Strahljager, Me.262 die Technikgeschichte (Transpress) |
Straight and Level (with picture, note and Signed) |
Straight on till Morning - Biography of Beryl Markham |
Straight Up, a History of Vertical Flight |
Straits of Messina, the (Corgi) |
Strasse der Piloten, Die Abenteuerliche Geschichte der Luftfahrt |
Strategic Air Command (Anderton) |
Strategic Air Command (Peacock) |
Strategic Air Command - People, Aircraft and Missiles |
Strategic Air Command - People, Aircraft and Missiles (2nd ed) |
Strategic Air Command - Unit Missions and History Summaries |
Strategic Air Power and Desert Storm |
Strategic Air Power, the pattern of Dynamic Security |
Strategic Air War Against Japan |
Strategy & Tactics of Air Warfare |
Strategy for Defeat: the Luftwaffe 1933-1945 (Eagle Editions) |
Strategy for Defeat: the Luftwaffe 1933-1945 (US GPO) |
Stratocruiser & C-97 - Pictorial & Production |
Streckensegelflug (2nd edition) |
Streng Geheime Vogel Me.163 |
Streng Geheime Vogel Me.163 (signed copy) |
Strijd begint, de |
Strijd in de Lucht (Delaet) |
Strike Aces (Arch Cape Press) |
Strike Aircraft (Illustrated History of the Vietnam War) |
Strike and Strike Again, 455 Squadron RAAF 1944-45 |
Strike Command, At NATO's Front Line |
Strike Eagle, Flying the F-15E in the Gulf War (Brassey) |
Strike Eagle, Flying the F-15E in the Gulf War (Potomac) |
Strike from the Sea, a History of British Naval Air Power |
Strike from the Sky, the Battle of Britain Story |
Strike from the Sky, the History of Battlefield Air Attack 1911-45 |
Strike from the Sky, the History of Battlefield Air Attack 1911-45 |
Strike from the Sky, the Story of the Battle of Britain (nd) |
Strike True, the Story of No.80 Squadron RAF |
Strike Wings, Special Anti-Shipping Squadrons 1942-45 (HMSO) |
Strike Wings, Special Anti-shipping Squadrons 1942-45 (Kimber) |
Strike, US Naval Strike Warfare Center |
Stuck on the Drawing Board, Unbuilt British Commercial Aircraft |
Stude sur la Chasse de Nuit et l'Aerostation de Protection |
Student Pilot's Flight Manual (6th edition) |
Studenten Forschen, Bauen und Fliegen |
Studiegroep Luchtoorlog 1939-1945 30 Jaar, Verlieslijst 1943 |
Studiehandboek (Student Flight Manual) |
Study Tour to Central Europe - Alpex '91 |
Study Tour to the American West Coast STATEX '89, Report |
Stuka (1965) |
Stuka (1965)(2) |
Stuka (1991) |
Stuka Piloot |
Stuka Pilot (Ballantine, U6227) |
Stuka Pilot (Bantam) (cober damaged) |
Stuka Squadron, Stukagruppe 77, Luftwaffe's 'Fire Brigade' |
Stuka, Angriff: Sturzflug |
Stuka, die Geschichte der Ju.87 |
Stuka, die Geschichte der Ju.87 (nd) |
Stuka-Einsatz an der Pantherlinie |
Stukageschwader 2 Immelman |
Stukas Jagdbomber Schlachtflieger |
Sturmisches Leben (Thorwald)(nd) |
Sturmjager, zur Geschichte des Jagdgeschwaders 4 und StSt.1 band 1 |
Sturmjager, zur Geschichte des Jagdgeschwaders 4, band 2 |
Sturmstaffel 1, Reich Defense 1943-44 the War Diary |
Sturzender Adler auf Rotem Barett |
Su-27 Flanker Story |
Sud Est Caravelle |
Sudden Sky, a Panoramic Novel of War (Corgi) |
Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker (Aerospace Super Profile 1) |
Summer for Heroes, A (Reach for the Sky, Specialty Press) |
Summer, 1940 - the Battle of Britain |
Super Blue (Airlife) |
Super Blue (Howell) |
Super Guppy, Ein Flugzeug fliegt fur Europa |
Super Hercules (Free supplement) |
Super Jets - 1 |
Super Jets - 2 |
Superbirds - Great Gunfighters and Bomb-haulers |
Supercarrier in Action, US Naval Airpower |
Supercarriers, Naval Air Power in Action |
Supercarriers, Naval Aviation in Action |
Superfortress over Japan |
Superfortress, It was World War II Largest Combat Aircraft |
Superlative der Luftfahrt (Flug Revue band 1) |
Supermarine Fighter Aircraft |
Supermarine Spitfire (Bison) |
Supermarine Spitfire (Books for Pleasure) |
Supermarine Spitfire (Chartwell) |
Supermarine Spitfire (Ducimus Classic) |
Supermarine Spitfire (Midland) |
Supermarine Spitfire 40th Anniversary of the first Flight 5th Marc |
Supermarine Spitfire Crash Log Volume 1, 1938 - 1942 |
Supermarine Spitfire Crash Log Volume 2, 1943 - 1947 |
Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I-II |
Supersonic Aircraft |
Supersonic Fighter Development |
Supersonic Fighter Pilots |
Supersonic Flight, Breaking the Sound Barrier and Beyond |
Supersonic Secrets, the Unofficial Biography of Concorde |
Support, Save, Supply - Hercules Operations in the Gulf War |
Survival in the Sky |
Surviving World War II Aircraft |
Survivors (2012) (4th edition) |
Survivors 97 |
Survolant Cinquante Siecles d'Histoire, en |
Sussex Airfields in the Second World War |
Svenskt Militarflyg 50 Ar |
Swedish Military Aircraft / Svenska Militara Flygplan |
Swedish Military Aviation Today / Svenskt Militarflyg i dag |
Sweetwater Gunslinger 201 (Charter) |
Swift Justice, the Full story of the Supermarine Swift |
Swift to Battle (1): 72 Fight Squadron RAF in Action 1937-1942 |
Swift to Battle (2): 72 Fight Squadron RAF in Action 1942-1947 |
Swift to Battle (3): 72 Fight Squadron RAF in Action |
Swissair - das Portrat einer Erstaunlichen Fluggesellschaft |
Swissair - im Kampf und Aufstieg |
Swissair 1935 - 1945, die |
Swissair Story, die |
Swissair, A day by day documentation |
Swoose - Odyssey of a B-17 |
Swordfish Special (1977) |
Swordfish; the Story of the Taranto Raid (sbk) |
Sydney Airport, 85 Years as the Gateway to Australia |
Sydney Basin, Visual Pilot Guide Fixed Wing |
Sydney Camm and the Hurricane |
Syllabus Opleiding Motorzweefvliegen |
Systematic Safety |
Systematische Encyclopedie, 6 - sterrenkunde |
Szybowce Transportowe |