Subject: World War II
Omschrijving:Het Engelse blad over preservatie, musea, opgravingen, airshows etc. HET blad voor de in deze tak van luchtvaart geinteresseerde liefhebber. Veel oude nummers zijn nog verkrijgbaar.
Thumbnails Article ID Serie No. Title/name
.   .   . TD303222 Spitfire Anniversary, Sixty Years 1936-1996. Limited edition 5 unit BT phonecrad and Souvenir presentation pack (number 0721)
.   .   . TT011340 1 May/Jun 1981 (Very first issue !!)
.   .   . TT011341 6 Jan 1982
.   .   . TT011342 7 Feb 1982.
.   .   . TS211661 2 A Selection of International Aircraft from Profile
.   .   . TS211655 3 A Selection of International Aircraft from Profile
.   .   . TT209034 30 Jan 1984; B-17's last Flight, Lightnings 'on ice', Corsair from the Lake
.   .   . TT219831 31 Feb 1984;
.   .   . TT209038 39 Okt 1984; Hellcat bites back!, Exit the Devon, SAAB Dive Bomber, Museums of Nebraska
.   .   . TS211662 4 A Selection of International Aircraft from Profile
.   .   . TT209035 45 Apr 1985; RAF's House of History, the Last Spitfire
.   .   . TT209036 47 Jun 1985; Fairey Battle, Tico Warbirds, JUMO engines, Sahara Guerilla Fighters
.   .   . TT209037 48 Jul 1985; Fortress at 50, Swiss Transport Museum
.   .   . TS211663 5 A Selection of International Aircraft from Profile
.   .   . TT008561 50 Sep 1985; RAF Museum, Valiant
.   .   . TT209039 52 Nov 1985; Hurricane Anniversary, Moths at Woburn
.   .   . TS211664 6 A Selection of International Aircraft from Profile
.   .   . TT005415 78 Jan 1988. B-47s disposals, Fairey Battle, Daimler Benz (
.   .   . TJ085846 1983
.   .   . TJ026177 1984
.   .   . TJ026178 1985
.   .   . TJ026180 1987
.   .   . TJ026181 1988
.   .   . TJ026182 1989
.   .   . TJ026183 1990
.   .   . TJ085395 1991
.   .   . TJ085396 1992
.   .   . TJ085397 1993
.   .   . TJ085398 1994
.   .   . TJ085399 1995
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