Thumbnails Article ID Serie Titel Serie No. Title/name Writer
.   .   . TB284090 Samurai !, Flying the Zero in WWII with Japan's Fighter Ace Sakai & Caidin
.   .   . TB081774 Serenade to the Big Bird (1957) Stiles, Bert
.   .   . TB085429 Space Shuttle Operator's Manual Joels & Kennedy
.   .   . TB081906 Stuka Pilot (Ballantine, U6227) Udel, Hans Ulrich
.   .   . TB293472 Thousand Plane Raid, the Story of the First Massive Air Raid Barker, Ralph
.   .   . TB025078 Threshold: the Blue Angels Experience Herbert, Frank
.   .   . TB223776 Thunderbolt, 1943-45: the Story of the US 56 Fighter Group Johnson, Robert S.
.   .   . TB232990 Torch to the Enemy, A (1968) Caidin, Martin
.   .   . TB081752 V-2, the Nazi Rocket Weapon (Ballantine) Dornberger, Walter
.   .   . TB234241 War in the Air, Royal Air Force in World War II (Ballantine) Lyall, Gavin
.   .   . TB044363 World Aloft, the Murchie, Guy
.   .   . TB234240 Zero!, the Story of Japan's Air War in the Pacific: 1941-45 Okumiya & Horikoshi
.   .   . TB203847 Zero, the Inside Story of Japan's Air War in the Pacific Okumiya, Horikoshi & Caid
.   .   . TB306771 Angles of Attack, an A-6 Intruder Pilot's War Hunt, Peter
.   .   . TB317308 ME-109, Willy Messerschmitt's Peerless Fighter (4th printing) Caidin, Martin
.   .   . TB322341 Soaring, An Introduction to the Glorious World of Sky Sports Dixon, Peter L.
.   .   . TB322357 Flying Forts, the B-17 in World War II (1973) Caidin, Martin
.   .   . TB322361 Wing Leader (1973) Johnson, J.E.
.   .   . TB322375 Airframe (Ballantine) Crichton, Michael
.   .   . TB322714 Torch to the Enemy, A (1974) Caidin, Martin
.   .   . TE243197 Star 4 Pohl, Frederik
.   .   . TS242790 Ballantine Ill. History of WWII Flying Tigers, Chennault in China Heifermann, Ron
.   .   . TS233009 Ballantine Ill. History of WWII BB.30 Ploesti Oil Strike Sweetman, John
.   .   . TS056598 Purnell's History... Campaign Book 7 b Bomber Offensive, the Devastation of Europe Frankland, Noble
.   .   . TS283154 History of the 2nd WW Weapons Book 2 Their Finest Hour, story of BoB 1940 (black $1) Bishop, Edward
.   .   . TS007189 History of the 2nd WW Weapons Book 2 Their Finest Hour, story of BoB 1940 (white $1) Bishop, Edward
.   .   . TS007190 History of the 2nd WW Weapons Book 3 Aircraft Carrier, the Majestic Weapon Macintyre, Donald
.   .   . TS044291 History of the 2nd WW Weapons Book 4 Me.109 Caidin, Martin
.   .   . TS067041 History of the 2nd WW Weapons Book 5 German Secret Weapons blueprint for Mars Ford, Brian
.   .   . TS008407 History of the 2nd WW Weapons Book 6 Spitfire (Ballantine) Vader, John
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