Thumbnails Article ID Serie Titel Serie No. Title/name Writer
.   .   . BS315610 Middle East@War 48 Air Power and the Arab World 1909-1955 Volume 6 Nicolle, David
.   .   . BS317545 Middle East@War 50 Arab-Israeli War of Attrition, 1967-1973. Volume 1 Norton, Bill
.   .   . BS308428 Middle East@War 51 Lebanese Civil War. Volume 3; The Onslaught, 5-8 June 1982 Norton, Bill
.   .   . BS315611 Middle East@War 52 Air Power and the Arab World 1909-1955 Volume 7 Nicolle, David
.   .   . BS315612 Middle East@War 54 Air Power and the Arab World 1909-1955 Volume 8 Nicolle, David
.   .   . BS318180 Middle East@War 55 Arab-Israeli War of Attrition, 1967-1973. Volume 2 Norton, Bill
.   .   . BS318181 Middle East@War 58 Arab-Israeli War of Attrition, 1967-1973. Volume 3 Norton, Bill
.   .   . BS318932 Middle East@War 59 Air Power and the Arab World 1909-1955 Volume 9, New Horizons and Nicolle & Gabr
.   .   . BS319783 Middle East@War 60 Juliet Tango November, A Cold War Crime: The Shoot-Down of an Arge Maron, Gustavo
.   .   . BS318178 Middle East@War 62 Air Power and the Arab World 1909-1955 Volume 10 Nicolle, David
.   .   . BS318915 Technology@War series 1 US Air Power, 1945-1990 Volume 1, US Fighters and Fighter-Bombers, Baker, David
.   .   . BS321186 Technology@War series 2 J-20 Mighty Dragon, Asias First Stealth Fighter in the Era of Chin Abrams, Abraham
.   .   . BS318931 Technology@War series 3 US Air Power, 1945-1990 Volume 2, US Bombers, 1945-1949 Baker, David
.   .   . BS306403 Middle East@War 20 Operation Market Garden Buckley & Preston-South
.   .   . XB315617 Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988; Greatest Land War of the Late Twentieth Hooton, Nadimi &Sipo
.   .   . XB317172 Ladies, Wives And Women Clammer, David
.   .   . XB320204 Italian Soft-Skinned Vehicles of the Second World War Volume 1 Riccio & Pieri
.   .   . XB320205 Italian Soft-Skinned Vehicles of the Second World War Volume 2 Riccio & Pieri
.   .   . XB320612 Airborne to Arnhem, Personal Reminiscences of the Battle of Arnhem Newell, Grant R.
.   .   . XB320613 Luck was Lacking But Valor was not Riccio & Afiero
.   .   . XB320699 Airborne to Arnhem, Personal Reminiscences of the Battle of Arn. 2 Newell, Grant R.
.   .   . XB321192 Airborne to Arnhem, Personal Reminiscences of the Battle of Arn. 3 Newell, Grant R.
.   .   . XB322009 Steel Centurions, Italian Armoured Formations of the Second world Morisi, Paolo
.   .   . XB322224 Birth and Fall of an Empire, Italian Army in East Africa 1935-41 Riccio & Afiero
.   .   . XB323022 Airborne Armour, Tetrarch, Locust, Hamilcar and the 6th Airborne Flint, Keith
.   .   . XS315633 Asia@War Armed Forces of North Korea Volume 1, Ground Forces Mitzer & Oliemans
.   .   . XS315624 Asia@War CIA Operations in Tibet, 1957-1974 1957-1974 Conboy, Ken
.   .   . XS321208 Asia@War For a Greater Realm Volume 1, Royal Thai Army at War 1940-1945 Klykoom, Punyaphan
.   .   . XS321209 Asia@War For a Greater Realm Volume 2, Royal Thai Army at War 1940-1945 Klykoom, Punyaphan
.   .   . XS318925 Asia@War France's War in Indochina volume 2, Viet Minh goes on the Offensiv Rookes, Stephen
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