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.   .   . TS014420 WW2 Aircraft Fact Files RAF Bombers part 1 Green & Swanborough
.   .   . TS242630 WW2 Aircraft Fact Files RAF Fighters part 1 (hbk) Green & Swanborough
.   .   . TS012526 WW2 Aircraft Fact Files Soviet Air Force Fighters part 1 Green & Swanborough
.   .   . TS012527 WW2 Aircraft Fact Files Soviet Air Force Fighters part 2 Green & Swanborough
.   .   . TS012525 WW2 Aircraft Fact Files US Army Air Force Fighters part 1 Green & Swanborough
.   .   . TS012521 WW2 Aircraft Fact Files US Army Air Force Fighters part 2 Green & Swanborough
.   .   . TS242629 WW2 Aircraft Fact Files US Army Air Force Fighters part 2 (hbk) Green & Swanborough
.   .   . TS012522 WW2 Aircraft Fact Files US Navy and Marine Corps Fighters Green & Swanborough
.   .   . TS265006 WW2 Aircraft Fact Files US Navy and Marine Corps Fighters (hbk) Green & Swanborough
.   .   . TS300088 Jane's Pocket Book 6 Light Aircraft (1st ed., PVC) Taylor, John W.R.
.   .   . TS300522 War Planes of the 2nd World War 5 dc Flying Boats (brown) Green, William
.   .   . TS309642 Jane's Pocket Book 5 Military Transport & Training Aircraft (PVC) Taylor, John W.R.
.   .   . TX285294 Battle Book 1 m D-Day, Spearhead of Invasion Thompson, R.W.
.   .   . TX260394 Battle Book 4 m Bastogne, the Road Block Elstob, Peter
.   .   . TX285296 Battle Book 5 m The Siege of Leningrad Wykes, Alan
.   .   . TX285298 Battle Book 6 m Battle for Berlin, end of the Third Reich Ziemke, Enri F.
.   .   . TX285300 Battle Book 7 m Kursk, the Clash of Armour Jukes, Geoffrey
.   .   . TX257610 Battle Book 8 m Tarawa, a Legend is Borne Shaw, Henry l.
.   .   . TX260374 Battle Book 12 m Okinawa, Touchstone to Victory Frank, Benis M.
.   .   . TX285350 Purnell's History... Campaign Book 1 m Afrika Korps Macksey, K.J.
.   .   . TX285351 Purnell's History... Campaign Book 2 m The Raiders, Desert Strike Force Swinson, Arthur
.   .   . TX285352 Purnell's History... Campaign Book 3 m Sicily, Whose Victory ? Blumenson, Martin
.   .   . TX285353 Purnell's History... Campaign Book 4 m Breakout, Drive to the Seine Mason, David
.   .   . TX285354 Purnell's History... Campaign Book 5 b Defeat In Malaya - The Fall of Singapore Swinson, Arthur
.   .   . TX233084 Purnell's History... Campaign Book 5 m Defeat in Malaya - the Fall of Singapore Swinson, Arthur
.   .   . TX285355 Purnell's History... Campaign Book 6 m France, Summer 1940 Williams, John
.   .   . TX272131 Navies of the Second World War American Battleships, Carriers, and Cruisers Lenton, H.T.
.   .   . TX272140 Navies of the Second World War American Fleet and Escort Destroyers volume one Lenton, H.T.
.   .   . TX272141 Navies of the Second World War American Fleet and Escort Destroyers volume two Lenton, H.T.
.   .   . TX272132 Navies of the Second World War American Submarines Lenton, H.T.
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