Flying Officers of the United States Navy 1917-1919
Flying Officers of the United States Navy 1917-1919
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Publisher: Schiffer, ISBN 0 7643 0219 1
Pages : 304
b/w pict : 999 illustrations: 999
Format : A4, Hardback
Subject : World War Two - USA
Description in Dutch/Omschrijving : Vlak na de eerste Wereld Oorlog werd dit boek gepubliceerd. Alle officieren en student-officieren. Tevens een historisch overzicht, ontwikkelingen, parachutes etc.
Description : This book, originally published just after World War I, is the definitive reference to United States Naval aviators in World War I. Also included: a history of naval aviation operations in World War I.
In stock : Yes
Price: Euro 62.00
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