Thunder & Lightning, the RAF in the Gulf
Thunder & Lightning, the RAF in the Gulf
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Publisher: HMSO, ISBN 0 1170 1625 X
Writer : Allen, Charles (Produced 1991)
Pages : 234
b/w pict : 150
Format : A4/5, Hardback
Subject : Military Aviation - USA, Desert Storm
Description in Dutch/Omschrijving : Aan de hand van de ervaringen van 140 Royal Air Force mannen en vrouwen word een goed beeld gegeven van het Britse aandeel in de luchtstrijd tijdens de golfoorlog.
Description : This is the story of the thousand hour war as it was fought by the RAF; as viewed by the young men and women sent out to the Gulf initially to reinforce the air blockade against Iraq but who went on to play key roles in both the air and land wars
In stock : Yes
Price: Euro 19.80
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