Air Combat Paintings of Robert Taylor
Air Combat Paintings of Robert Taylor
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Publisher: David & Char, ISBN 0 7153 9008 2
Writer : Weston & Taylor (Produced 1987)
Pages : 128
Format : A4 XL, Hardback
Subject : World War Two, Aviation Various
Description in Dutch/Omschrijving : Verzameling van schilderijen van de beroemde Engelse luchtvaartschilder Robert Taylor. Met beschrijvingen van de totstandkoming van de schilderijen.
Description : Volume One, first published in 1987, has sold more copies than any other aviation art book. Highlights include Return of the Few -- spitfires returning low over the English coast; Dambusters -- raids destroying the dams in Germany
In stock : Yes
Price: Euro 49.80
Large package/Belstuk
Please note that of most second hands items we often have only one in stock. It could well be that this item has just been reserved or sold to someone else.