Yakovlev Aircraft since 1924
Yakovlev Aircraft since 1924
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Only one available!
Publisher: Putnam, ISBN 0 8517 7872 0
Writer : Gunston & Gordon (Produced 1996)
Pages : 288
b/w pict : 300
Format : A4, Hardback
Subject : Military Aviation
Description in Dutch/Omschrijving : Alexander S. Yakovlev was een brilliante man, maar had maar een nadeel; hij leefde in Rusland. Hierdoor zijn vaak opzienbarende ontwerpen vrij onbekend gebleven
Description : Alexandr S. Yakovlev was one of the most versatile aircraft designers of his age, but he had the misfortune to work in the USSR which made him almost unknown to the outside world. In 1926-27 he built his first aeroplane
In stock : Yes
Price: Euro 59.00
Large package/Belstuk
Please note that of most second hands items we often have only one in stock. It could well be that this item has just been reserved or sold to someone else.