Royal Air Force Germany since 1945

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Royal Air Force Germany since 1945


Not in stock anymore !

Publisher: MCP, ISBN 1 8578 0034 6

Writer : Taylor, Bill (Produced 2003)

Pages : 240

illustrations : 200

Format : A4, Hardback

Subject : Military Aviation - United Kingdom

Description in Dutch/Omschrijving : De RAF in Duitsland is altijd een onderbelicht onderwerp geweest. Dit boek had al veel eerder moeten verschijnen!

Description : We have waited an awfully long time for this book to be published. It was worth waiting for though... finally we have an excellent view on the RAF on the mainland


Large package/Belstuk

Please note that of most second hands items we often have only one in stock. It could well be that this item has just been reserved or sold to someone else.

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