Airshow, a Year in the Life of the World's Largest Airshow
Airshow, a Year in the Life of the World's Largest Airshow
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Publisher: Orion, ISBN 0 7528 1793 0
Writer : Hurley, Graham (Produced 1998)
Pages : 192
Format : A4/5, Hardback
Subject : Military Aviation
Description in Dutch/Omschrijving : Elk jaar in july komen 200.000 mensen bij elkaar om 's werelds grootste militaire vliegshow te zien; de International Air Tattoo op Fairford met 500 vliegtuigen, kilometers aan static, teams etc.
In stock : Yes
Price: Euro 21.50
Large package/Belstuk
Please note that of most second hands items we often have only one in stock. It could well be that this item has just been reserved or sold to someone else.