Douglas B-18 and B-23, Americas Forgotten Warriors

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Douglas B-18 and B-23, Americas Forgotten Warriors


Not in stock anymore !

Publisher: Hikoki, ISBN 9780859791786

Writer : Hagedorn, Dan (Produced 2015)

Pages : 288

illustrations : 300

Format : A4, Hardback

Subject : World War Two - USA, World War Two - Aircraft T

Description in Dutch/Omschrijving : De pionier op het gebied van radar en anti-onderzee-bootbestrijding. Het zou de vervanger van de B-17 hebben moeten worden

Description : What manner of aircraft pioneered airborne radar and anti-submarine warfare, almost replaced the immortal Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, and yet disappeared from the annals of aviation history with not so much as a footnote


Large package/Belstuk

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