Felin in Action & Unite Felin
Felin Tome 4; Piege en Mer Rouge
Felin in Action & Unite Felin
Felin Tome 4; Piege en Mer Rouge
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Publisher: Zephyr, ISBN 9782361180638
Writer : Laplagne & Zumbiehl (Produced 2012)
Pages : 46
Subject : Military Aviation
Description : Mogadiscio. Alors qu'il est sur le point d'etre abattu, Chango est deliver des griffes du warlord somalien NurJubba par un commando heliporte. Mer Rouge. A bord du BPCI Mistral, Max coordonne les preparatifs de l'assaut a mener sur le supertanker, toujou
In stock : Yes
Price: Euro 11.00
Please note that of most second hands items we often have only one in stock. It could well be that this item has just been reserved or sold to someone else.