Subject: Military Subjects Postwar
Cover: Softback
Thumbnails Article ID Serie No. Title/name Writer
.   .   . BS289451 18 Wings over Ogaden; The Ethiopian-Somali War, 1978-1979
.   .   . XS298952 1 Operation Dingo
.   .   . XS298953 2 France in Centrafrique
.   .   . XS298954 3 Battle for Cassinga
.   .   . XS298955 4 Selous Scouts
.   .   . XS298956 5 Zambezi Valley Insurgency
.   .   . XS298958 7 Mau Mau, The Kenyan Emergency
.   .   . XS298959 9 Somalia
.   .   . XS298951 11 The Flechas
.   .   . XS298960 13 Great Lakes Holocaust
.   .   . XS298965 25 The Fuzilieros
.   .   . XS298961 26 Battle of Cuito Cuanavale. Cold War Angolan Finale, 1987-1988
.   .   . BS301822 38 Selous Scouts, Rhodesian Counter-Insurgency Specialists Baxter, Peter
.   .   . BS301266 41 MAU MAU, The Kenyan Emergency 1952-1960 (Revised Edition) Baxter, Peter
.   .   . BS288590 43 SAAF's border War, The South African Air Force in Combat 1966-1989 Baxter, Peter
.   .   . BS313752 57 Operation Restore Hope, US Military Intervention in Somalia and th Baxter, Peter
.   .   . XS300784 17 Bush War Rhodesia 1966-1980 Baxter, Peter
.   .   . XS304358 45 Biafra; the Nigerian Civil War: 1967-1970 (Revised edition) Baxter, Peter
.   .   . XS304830 46 Bush War Rhodesia Baxter, Peter
.   .   . XS321190 Peacekeeping in Darfur: the AMIS, mission of the African Union in Besenyo & Szabo
.   .   . XS318164 64 MINURSO: United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Saha Besenyo, Janos
.   .   . BS301157 42 Portuguese Dragoons, 1966-1974 Cann, John P
.   .   . BS298968 28 The Para's, Portugals first Elite Force Cann, John P.
.   .   . XS298962 27 Portuguese Commandos, Feard Insurgent Hunters, 1961-1974 Cann, John P.
.   .   . BS315220 20 Rhodesian Fire Force Cocks, Kevin
.   .   . BS304929 50 War of Intervention in Angola Volume 3, Angolan and Cuban Air Forc Cooper & Fontanellaz
.   .   . BS307079 54 War of Intervention in Angola Volume 4 Cooper & Fontanellaz
.   .   . XS300786 23 Wars and Insurgencies of Uganda 1971-1994 Cooper & Fontanellaz
.   .   . XS300787 24 The Rwandan Patriotic Front 1990-1994 Cooper & Fontanellaz
.   .   . BS315623 63 War of Intervention in Angola Volume 5; Angolan and Cuban Air Forc Cooper, Fontanellaz...
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