Kookaburra Historic Aircraft Books
Subject: World War II
Cover: Softback
Omschrijving:Serie 1 en 2 van Kookaburra. Kleine, aardige boekjes a la Ouest France.
Thumbnails Article ID Serie No. Title/name Writer
.   .   . TS007769 3/ 1 Markings of the Aces, Part 1 8th U.S. A.Force Bennet, Theodore R.
.   .   . TS007777 3/ 2 Wirraway & Boomerang Markings Pentland, Geoffrey
.   .   . TS038895 1/ 3 Warplanes of the R.A.A.F., Fighters 1921-69
.   .   . TS038916 3/ 4 Markings of the Aces, part 2 the US Navy Book 1 Hill, Richard
.   .   . TS242720 3/ 6 Spitfire Markings of the RAAF part 2 Smith & Malone
.   .   . TS242744 3/ 5 Spitfire Markings of the RAAF, Pacific Area 1942-45, part 1 Smith & Malone
.   .   . TS255196 3/ 7 Markings of the Aces US Navy Book 2 Graham & Hill
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