Illustrated Guide to
Subject: Military Subjects Postwar / World War II
Cover: Softback
Omschrijving:Handige pockets over allerlei luchtvaartonderwerpen. Veel kleuren- illustraties. Overzichtelijk ingedeeld met veel technische gegevens, korte verklarende teksten, zij-aanzichten, etc. Prima achtergrondinformatie.
Thumbnails Article ID Serie No. Title/name Writer
.   .   . TS067003 Aircraft Markings (Arco) Wheeler, Barry C.
.   .   . TS002257 Allied Fighters of WWII Gunston, Bill
.   .   . TS002258 Bombers of World War II Gunston, Bill
.   .   . TS015398 Electronic Warfare - Techniques and Equipment Richardson
.   .   . TS002260 German, Italian and Japanese Fighters of WWII Gunston, Bill
.   .   . TS002262 Military Helicopters Gunston, Bill
.   .   . TS002265 Modern Fighters and Attack Aircraft Gunston, Bill
.   .   . TS002268 Modern Naval Aviation & Carriers Jordan, John
.   .   . TX271964 Modern US Navy Jordan, John
.   .   . TX230850 Modern Warships, over 60 of the World's most exciting warships Lyon, Hugh
.   .   . TS002267 NATO Fighters and attack aircraft Gunston, Bill
.   .   . TS002269 Spy Planes and Electronic Warfare Aircraft Gunston, Bill
.   .   . TS002270 USAF The Modern US Air Force Gunston, Bill
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