Middle East@War
Subject: Military Subjects Postwar
Cover: Softback
Thumbnails Article ID Serie No. Title/name Writer
.   .   . BS288589 1 Syrian Conflagration.The Civil War 2011-2013 Cooper, Tom
.   .   . BS289441 7 Hawker Hunters at War, Iraq and Jordan 1958-1967 Cooper & Salti
.   .   . BS289446 8 Wings over Sinai; the Egyptian Air Force during the Sinai War 1956 Nicolle, Cooper,Gabir
.   .   . BS289452 4 Iranian Tigers at War; Norhtrop F-5A/B, F-5E/F and Sub-variants Taghvaee, Babak
.   .   . BS289453 3 Israeli Air Force Operations in the 1956 Suez War, 29 oct-8nov56 Aloni, Shlomo
.   .   . BS289454 2 Israeli Air Force Operations in the 1948 War Aloni, Shlomo
.   .   . BS293165 11 Hot Skies over Yemen, volume 1: Aerial Warfare over the Southern Cooper, Tom
.   .   . BS296355 12 MiG-23 Flogger in the Middle East Cooper, Tom
.   .   . BS297225 15 Moscow's Game of Poker. Russian Military Intervention in Syria Cooper, Tom
.   .   . BS297234 19 1973: The First Nuclear War; Crucial Air Battles of the October 73 Cooper & Emran
.   .   . BS297238 21 Lebanese Civil War. Volume 1, The Israeli Invasion, 1982 Cooper & Santana
.   .   . BS298945 14 Hot Skies over Yemen, volume 2: Aerial Warfare over Southern Arab. Cooper, Tom
.   .   . BS298976 17 Iraqi Mirages. In service with Airaqi Air Force 1981 - 1988 Cooper & Sipos
.   .   . BS300588 18 Desert Storm, Volume 1: The Iraq Invasion of Kuwait & Operation De Cooper & Hooton
.   .   . BS301156 20 Air Power and the Arab world 1909-1955. Volume 1: Military Flying Nicolle & Ali Gabr
.   .   . BS304031 26 Air Power and the Arab world 1909-1955. Volume 2: Military Flying Nicolle & Ali Gabr
.   .   . BS304140 27 Wings of Iraq volume 1, Iraqi Air Force 1931-1970 Sipos & Cooper
.   .   . BS304831 28 75 Years of the Israeli Air Force Volume 1 Norton, Bill
.   .   . BS304933 30 Air Power and the Arab World 1909-1955 Volume 3, Colonial Skies 19 Nicolle, David
.   .   . BS304934 31 Operation Desert Storm Volume 2, Operation Desert Storm and Afterm Cooper & Hooton
.   .   . BS304935 29 In the Claws of the Tomcat, US Navy F-14 Tomcat in Combat, 1987-00 Cooper, Tom
.   .   . BS304936 33 MiGs in the Middle East Volume 1, The First 10 Years 1955-1967 Cooper & Nicolle
.   .   . BS306822 32 75 Years of the Israeli Air Force Volume 2 Norton, Bill
.   .   . BS307081 37 MiGs in the Middle East Volume 2 Cooper & Nicolle
.   .   . BS307082 35 Air Power and the Arab World 1909-1955 Volume 4 Nicolle, David
.   .   . BS307211 36 75 Years of the Israeli Air Force Volume 3 Norton, Bill
.   .   . BS307641 42 Air Power and the Arab World 1909-1955 Volume 5 Nicolle, David
.   .   . BS307643 38 Bombers at Suez, RAF Bombing Campaign during the Suez War, 1956 Dillon, John
.   .   . BS307648 41 Lebanese Civil War. Volume 2, Quiet Before the Storm, 1978-1981 Cooper & Santana
.   .   . BS307652 43 Wings of Iraq volume 2, Iraqi Air Force 1970-2013 Sipos & Cooper
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