Wooden Shields with emblems - USA
Subject: Military Subjects Postwar
Thumbnails Article ID Serie No. Title/name
.   .   . TP204205 393rd Bomb Sq, Pease AFB, N.H. (sticker on blue plastic round on
.   .   . TP219764 Air National Guard (sticker en wooden shield)
.   .   . TP240089 RAF Mildenhall, Freedom over Europe, Air Fete '94. 298 Sqn in Gr.
.   .   . TP204228 United States Ship John F. Kennedy, CVA-67s (sticker on blue plas
.   .   . TP203078 USS Theodore Roosevelt, CVN-71
.   .   . TP240564 2 Training Air Wing Two (Capt 'Spook' Yakeley, Winging Guest Speakr
.   .   . TP274136 435 Rhein-Main Air Base- 435th Tactical Airlift, Germany
.   .   . TP299995 Tucson Airbase Volkel, Best Wishes from the Tucson Air Guard
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