Subject: Military Subjects Postwar
Cover: Softback
Description:1000 = World War One, 2000 = Soviet Special, 3000 = American Special, 4000 = Wehrmacht Special, 5000 = Bundeswehr Sepecial, 6000 = Technical Manual, 7000 = Missions & Manoeuvres, 8000 = International Special, 9000 = British Special
Thumbnails Article ID Serie No. Title/name
.   .   . XS218032 6009 US WWII Half-track Cars M2, M2A1, M9A1 & Personnel Carr
.   .   . XS218033 3004 Armored Hemtt - US Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Tr.
.   .   . XS221243 3002 Armoured / Gun Trucks of the US Army in Iraq
.   .   . XS221248 5005 Herman Army Training Center Letzlingen
.   .   . XS221251 5008 Modern German Army Armoured Engineer Vehicles
.   .   . XS221252 5010 Modern German Army in the Cold War 1967-1990
.   .   . XS221256 7010 Czech Republic Army (part 1)
.   .   . XS221257 7011 Czech Republic Army (part 2)
.   .   . XS221271 2005 Soviet Tank Transporter in Detail: MAZ-537G with MAZ/Ch
.   .   . XS222678 9007 REME, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
.   .   . XS226121 3005 PLS-LVS Brothers of Hemtt
.   .   . XS226122 3006 REFORGER 1969 - 1978
.   .   . XS226123 3007 REFORGER 1979 - 1985, US Army part 2
.   .   . XS226124 9009 British Next Generation Armour
.   .   . XS226125 7013 Koninklijke Landmacht, Vehicles of the Modern Royal Netherlands Ar
.   .   . XS226694 3008 REFORGER 1986 - 1990, US Army part 3
.   .   . XS227003 9008 Batus, British Army Training Unit Suffield
.   .   . XS227016 7014 Southeast Asian Army Vehicles
.   .   . XS229524 2006 PT-76 Soviet and Warsaw Pact Amphibious Light Tank
.   .   . XS229526 4010 6-Wheeled/8-Wheeled Armoued Reconnaissance Vehicles
.   .   . XS229529 4013 Panzerattrappen - German Dummy Tanks - History and Vari
.   .   . XS229530 9010 Key Flight '89 -the Last Cold War Excercise of the BOAR
.   .   . XS229764 5002 Early Years of the Modern German Army
.   .   . XS229765 5009 25-ton-class Heavy Prime-movers and Heavy-duty Tractor-Trucks
.   .   . XS229766 5011 M48 Main Battle Tank in German Army Service
.   .   . XS229767 5012 Tanks M41 and M47 in German Army Service
.   .   . XS229768 5013 Leopard 1 MBT in German Army Service - Early Years
.   .   . XS231120 9011 Recce - The Eyes and Ears of 1st (UK) Armoured Division
.   .   . XS231788 3012 USAREUR Vehicles and Units of the US Army in Europe 1992 - 2005
.   .   . XS231789 5024 Wiesel 2, Mobile Weapon Platform
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