History of the 2nd WW Weapons Book
Subject: World War II
Cover: Softback
Omschrijving:Weer die Standaard (Letterlijk) uitgave
Thumbnails Article ID Serie No. Title/name Writer
.   .   . TX285290 31 b Merrill's Marauders Baker, Alan
.   .   . TS233080 22 Suicide Weapon Barker, A.J.
.   .   . TX285288 22 b Suicide Weapon Barker, A.J.
.   .   . TS008410 17 B-29 Superfortress Berger, Carl
.   .   . TS008411 29 Flying Tigers, Chennault in China Berger, Carl
.   .   . TS283154 2 Their Finest Hour, story of BoB 1940 (black $1) Bishop, Edward
.   .   . TS007189 2 Their Finest Hour, story of BoB 1940 (white $1) Bishop, Edward
.   .   . TS008412 24 Mosquito, Wooden Wonder Bishop, Edward
.   .   . TS044296 38 Wellington Bomber Bishop, Edward
.   .   . TS044291 4 Me.109 Caidin, Martin
.   .   . TS008408 9 Zero Fighter Caidin, Martin
.   .   . TX285291 34 b Chindits, Long Range Penetration Calvert, Michael
.   .   . TX285646 13 b PT Boats Cooper, Bryan
.   .   . TX267231 32 Indestructible Jeep Denfield & Fry
.   .   . TS044295 35 Condor Legion Elstob, Peter
.   .   . TS067041 5 German Secret Weapons blueprint for Mars Ford, Brian
.   .   . TS216429 19 Allied Secret Weapons - the War of Science Ford, Brian J.
.   .   . TX267286 5 m German Secret Weapons Blueprint for Mars Ford, Brian J.
.   .   . TX267285 19 b Allied Secret Weapons the War of Science Ford, Brian J.
.   .   . TS202982 20 Rocket Fighter (Me.163) Green, William
.   .   . TS218611 40 B-17 Flying Fortress Hess, William
.   .   . TX257622 37 b Grenades & Mortars Hogg, Ian
.   .   . TX233077 11 b The Guns 1939-45 Hogg, Ian V.
.   .   . TX285286 18 b Barrage, the Guns in Action Hogg, Ian V.
.   .   . TX067133 23 b Hitler's High Seas Fleet Humble, Richard
.   .   . TX294335 33 b Japanese High Seas Fleet Humble, Richard
.   .   . TX285285 16 b Waffen SS: the asphalt soldiers Keegan, John
.   .   . TS219542 12 By Air to Battle MacDonald, Charles
.   .   . TS007190 3 Aircraft Carrier, the Majestic Weapon Macintyre, Donald
.   .   . TX067134 15 b Tank Force, Allied Armour in the Second World War Macksey, Kenneth
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