Subject: Military Subjects Postwar
Cover: Softback
Thumbnails Article ID Serie No. Title/name Writer
.   .   . BS304144 15 Wings over the Hindu Kush, Air Forces, Aircraft and Air Warfare of
.   .   . XS307084 Into the Iron Triangle, Operation Attleboro and Battles North of S
.   .   . XS298969 1 Counterinsurgency in Paradise, Seven Decades of Civil War in the P
.   .   . XS298970 2 The Eastern Offensive - Vietnam 1972 Vol. 1
.   .   . XS298971 3 The Eastern Offensive - Vietnam 1972 Vol. 2, Tanks in the Streets
.   .   . XS301167 10 Emperor's Own, Ethiopian Forces in the Korean War Abebe, Dagmawi
.   .   . BS307631 20 Operation Meghdoot, Indias War in Siachen 1984-2020 Badri-Mahara, Sanjay
.   .   . BS315632 40 Terror and Response, The India-Pakistan Proxy War, 2008-2019 Badri-Maharaj, Pedroza
.   .   . BS307666 26 Operation Cactus, Indian Military Intervention in the Maldives,'88 Badri-Maharaj, Sanjay
.   .   . XS304560 14 Kargil 1999: South Asias First Post-Nuclear Conflict Badri-Maharaj, Sanjay
.   .   . XS307665 25 Nuclear India, Developing India's Nuclear Arms from Reluctance to Badri-Maharaj, Sanjay
.   .   . BS315183 30 90 Years of the Indian Air Force, Present Capabilities and Future Bandri-Maharaj, Sanjay
.   .   . BS316536 35 CIA Paramilitary Operations in Tibet 1957-1975 Conboy, Ken
.   .   . XS315624 CIA Operations in Tibet, 1957-1974 1957-1974 Conboy, Ken
.   .   . XS307667 24 Erawan War Vol 1, The CIA Paramiitary Campaign in Laos, 1961-1974 Conboy, Ken
.   .   . XS307668 28 Erawan War Vol.2, The CIA Paramilitary Campaign in Laos, 1969-1974 Conboy, Ken
.   .   . XS315638 37 Erawan War Vol.3, Royal Lao Armed Forces, 1961-1974 Conboy, Ken
.   .   . XS300789 6 Paradise Afire, volume 1. The Sri Lankan War, 1971-1987 Cooper & Fontanellaz
.   .   . XS315634 44 Borneo Stand-Off Volume 1, Indonesian-Malaysian Confrontation, 196 Davis, Adam
.   .   . BS293196 7 Fury from the North. North Korean Air Force in the Korean War Dildy, Douglas C.
.   .   . XS314747 29 Carrier Killer, Chinas Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles and Theatre of Doyle & Herzinger
.   .   . XS304984 Run Through the Jungle, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam Fisher, Shawn
.   .   . XS307669 Run Through the Jungle, vol.2 ; Military Assistance Command, Vietn Fisher, Shawn
.   .   . XS315629 Paradise Afire, volume 4. Sri Lankan War, 1995-2002 Fontanellaz, Adrien
.   .   . XS304827 8 Paradise Afire, volume 2. The Sri Lankan War Fontanellaz, Adrien
.   .   . XS304826 17 Paradise Afire, volume 3. The Sri Lankan War, 1990-1994 Fontanellaz, Adrien
.   .   . XS307086 22 Red Star versus Rising Sun, Volume 1: The Conquest of Manchuria Fontanellaz, Adrien
.   .   . XS307085 27 Red Star versus Rising Sun, Volume 2 Fontanellaz, Adrien
.   .   . BS315628 Nine Lives of the Flying Tiger Volume 2, Grandolini & Koelich
.   .   . BS315627 43 Nine Lives of the Flying Tiger Volume 1, 1945-1950 Grandolini & Koelich
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